
Humanities 1110


Inver Hills Community College

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     Wkly. Asgnmnt.


     How To Do Hmwrk.



     D2L Basics



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        (Class Summary)

   How to Start

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   Makeup/Extra Credit


Very Important Links:

   Experiencing the
   Humanities (textbook)

   "Literature" Section of

   Links to the
   Humanities (for
   online Hum subjects)

   IHCC Library

  Contact Richard




Hum 1110
How to Do the Papers


The homework papers for this course consist of regular reading and, then, writing about what you've read.  You'll find yourself enjoying the course much more - and getting so much more out of it -  by thinking in multiple ways about what you've read.  Writing is one great way to do this.  Another way is talking, so I would also encourage you to talk with others at least once each week about what you are reading, seeing, and learning.  Simply tell someone the most interesting thing you read in the Humanities assignment each week, the most horrifying, or the most surprising.  You may be impressed at how much more you learn this way.

This web page includes the following (you may click on them to go to them, or scroll down):

Introduction: Homework Basics

Due Dates & Delivery


Weekly Homework Papers:
     Comments on Readings
     Class Journals
     Practice Activities (Practice Papers)
     Final Analysis Paper (Self-Reflection)

Late Papers and Make Up 


Introduction: Homework Basics

The homework for our course, 40% of your grade, consists primarily of reading and writing.  There are three main kinds of homework:

  1. Reading the textbook readings and/or outside readings

  2. Writing "Comments" about the readings

  3. Completing "Practice Activities"--writing on outside readings and/or making arts/crafts

There are other miscellaneous homework assignments, as well.  Simply check the Weekly Assignments page every week. 

How many assignments are there? A lot. However, they are not tough to do, just time consuming.  There are two or three chapters of textbooks to read each week, and two papers to write.  However, one of the textbook chapters almost always will be relatively short and easy. 

In addition, most of the weekly homework papers also are short and relatively easy.  These weekly papers include a number of short, rough-draft, quickly and even sloppily written papers done either by pen, computer printout, or email: just neat enough for me to read them, not revised, and written as quickly as you can.  You'll get a check mark for doing them and receive a grade at the end of the term for how many check marks you've received. 

These papers are like lab practice in a biology course: they will show me you've done the readings and help you practice the humanities and think about them more.  I am doing these kinds of assignments instead of having several objective tests or several graded papers because I believe that in the long run, you'll learn more from writing on a weekly basis about what you've read.

Due Dates & Delivery

The due days and delivery methods are as follows:

  • delivery by email: please write your email's "Subject" line title as follows:  

    • start with Hum 1110

    • add the Wk. # it was due

    • state the type of paper

    • add your first name and last initial
      (unless your full name already shows in your return email address)

    • for example:
      Hum 1110 Wk. 10 Comments Rachel S.

  • delivery to my IHCC office, B-136  by Thurs. 3:30 pm (immediately inside the main doors of the business building, make a hard right--my mailbox is beside my office door, in alphabetical order with others)

  • delivery by mail with a postmark of Thurs. (Richard Jewell, 410 Groveland Ave., #401, Mpls., MN 55403, or to me, B-136, at IHCC's address)

  • Also, please write your assignment in the text of the email, and not as an attachment.  This is because it takes me longer to process attachments, especially if I were getting dozens of them each week.

  • You also can write your weekly paper in MSWord first, then copy and paste it into your email message. 

  • delivery by Friday noon in person to my home address near the Guthrie, the Walker, and Loring Park in Minneapolis (see "Contact Richard" for more info).

LATE PAPERS and MAKE UP: "See "Late Papers and Make Up" below.


SAVING ONLINE MESSAGES: Are you sending homework by email?  Always keep a copy in case your email is lost.  Keep it until the end of the term.  If your email system has a "sent mail" folder, you may want to not delete items from the folder until after you have received your final grade. 

Are you using a bulletin board (BB)?  Be careful to wait until you see your message appear on the bulletin board, like other messages, before doing anything else on your computer.  If you still have trouble losing BB messages, write and save them in MS Word first; then copy them to the BB and send them.


(1) Please make them in-text--in the text of your email itself--not attached. That means you should simply write them as an email message or, if you already have them on a word processing file, you should use your mouse and your "Edit" function to mark, then "Copy," and then "Paste" them into a regular email message. 

(2) To help me keep your paper separate from my regular email, use this subject title: Course #  & section #, the Week Due, Assignment Type, and Name+Initial: e.g., "1111-99 Wk. 5 Comments Sue J.,"  

(3) Always keep a copy until after the end of the course when you've received your course grade. 

(4) If you send me an email message (other than homework), please write "Question" in the subject line so I'll open it right away.  Be sure your full name is somewhere in the email, too.  And in the first several weeks, please remind me which course and section you're in.  I ask this because I receive several dozen homework assignments each week by email, and I only open homework once or twice per week. (5-05) 


Your textbooks are listed in Textbooks (see above navigation bar). DO NOT buy your textbooks until you've read the "Textbooks" page about your choices--you do not have to buy all of the textbooks. You may want to buy early if you plan to order used copies (much, much cheaper) on Amazon.com, or to make sure you get exactly the choice of textbook you want from the three options--the bookstore does not have enough of any one option for the entire class.

Your week-by-week assignments are listed in Dates/Asgnmts. (see above navigation bar). Start by reading the "Week 1" assignments.

Weekly Homework Papers (Comments, Class Journals, Practice Activities, and Final Homework Paper)

Please remember that you may write these as "lab" papers--in very rough-draft form--without worrying about grammatical usage, spelling, or punctuation:

NOTE ABOUT AVOIDING PLAGIARISM: Remember to always give credit to someone whose words or ideas you are using. If you're using an author's or student's actual words, be sure to put them in quotation marks (" ") and tell us who said it. If you're using someone's idea (a book, another student) and it's a unique idea (not something you can find everywhere), be sure to give the author or student the credit for the idea.

  • Comments DUE WEEKLY, Weeks 2-14.  The comments on course textbook readings are your responses to the assigned textbook readings, 150+ w. each, with at least 50+ w. on each chapter or literary reading.   

    When should you do these Comments?  You may do these as you read, or after you're done reading.  

    How should you write them?  You may 

    • (1) write answers to some or all of the study questions at the ends of the chapters in the assigned textbook readings;      

    • (2) summarize by writing a line per page, or two lines per two pages, three for three, or four lines, summing up the contents of these pages;  

    • (3) respond by writing a line per page, two for two, three for three, or four for four, reacting to what you have read (e.g., describing what the pages make you think of, whether you disagree or agree and why, what they make you feel, imagine, or desire, and how or why, etc.); 

    • (4) you may do an outline or diagram of the chapter (as long as you have the required 150+ w.); or you even may try out some of the art forms discussed in some parts of some chapters.  I'm open to other alternatives, as long as you demonstrate in some way that you have read each page of each chapter.

  • Class Journals: DUE OCCASIONALLY.  These are your letters to me, in effect, about yourself and the course, 300 w. each.  Only a few (or less) are expected each semester: see your "Schedule" for the due dates.

  • Practice Activities: DUE WEEKLY, Weeks 3-14. PLEASE READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY & THOROUGHLY TWO-THREE TIMES! There is a lot to understand about these important weekly papers.

    The Practice Activities are your rough-draft, academic "practice" of the humanities (e.g., writing a paper or doing an art project) about one of the subjects and times discussed in your textbooks.  There are several kinds of Practice Activities, and if you do all thirteen of them, you must try at least four different types of the groupings listed below. (If you do twelve or fewer Practice Activities, then you may do only three different types.) 

    Also, you may do up to three weeks' worth at one time--as long as each one separately is in on time (at the beginning of that 2 or 3 week period, not the middle or end of it!). 

    Your Practice Activities must always be on, of, from, or related to the time periods (ancient through about 1500 A.D.) and places (Europe, Middle East, North Africa, and the pre-1500s Americas) we cover in this course. 

    One thing you may NOT do for Practice Activities is write about the assigned textbook readings: instead, you must always, for Practice Activities, go outside of your assigned textbook readings.
    How do you start a paper or report on a Practice Activity?  On a piece of paper, state--in the upper-right corner--the following

    • your name, 

    • the class (1110-___), 

    • "Week #__ Practice Paper," and 

    • the type of practice paper (e.g., Web Site Report, Creative Paper, etc.).

    How do you write or do them?  Here are guidelines:

o   NOTE #1: Please remember to state your source, if you need one, in your first sentence.  (Again, this source can NOT be one of the textbook readings.  The exception would be if you read the assigned readings from BOTH authors--Lamm AND Fiero.  And if you do that, be sure to let me know.)

o   NOTE #2: Remember to state your TYPE of paper (as in bold face above) in the upper-right corner of page one, along with your name, week #, and Practice Activity #.

o   NOTE #3: Remember, again, that whatever you choose, the subject that you choose must be from a time period (and humanities subject) covered in our textbook chapters.  In other words, you must work on a subject from the Western humanities from ancient through renaissance times.  No other times are acceptable, nor are other geographical areas (e.g., something about Asia would not be acceptable, nor would something about 1700s France).  

o   NOTE #4: You must use at least three different types--and never do more than 3 or 4 of any one type. The types are listed below.

o   NOTE #5: No matter what week we are in (in the textbooks), you can work on any subject from any time period from the course and any place in Western civilization. 

o   NOTE #6: As mentioned above, you can do up to three Practice Activities at a time as one longer one. However, to do this, you must, for a double PA, write/do twice as much (with twice as many Web sources or book pages) as described below.

      And for a triple PA, you must write/do three times as much (with three times as many Web sources or book pages) as described below. (I.e., simply read the directions for a type of Practice Activity below, and then double or triple everything you should do.) 

     If you are doing a double or triple Practice Activity, please tell me that it is a double or a triple PA--otherwise, I will not know I should give you credit for more than one.

What kind of Practice Activities may you do?  Here is a list:

Practice Activity Types:

bw” = book and/or web report. “ph” = photo report.

st”= story.“vp” = visit/play/game. “vm” = video/movie.

ac” = art/craft. “pres” = web/Pwrpnt./class presentation

You may do any one type no more than 4 times.
I.e., do at least three different  types during the semester.

A. Book Report and/or Web Site Report ("bw")

      This involves reading from sources and writing about them.

      Rough draft, 300+ w. A report,  summary, and/or discussion of a reading that is from OTHER THAN our own textbooks or required web readings.  State the source(s) in your first sentence.  

      Note: Double the page or screen count and 600+ w. = 2 Practice Activities; triple the page or screen count and 900+ w. = 3 Activities.

      Books: from 10+ large, double-columned pages (as, for example, in the Encyclopedia Britannica), 20+ regular large-sized book pages, or 30+ pp. of a small paperback.  Do not count the photos on a page when counting pages. 

      Web sites: 20 screens of a Web site with large print and pictures, or 10 screens of a Web site with small print and small or no pictures.  
Books: You may, if you wish, read the alternative reading for the week (e.g., if you read Lamm, then also read Fiero), but if you do this, be sure to count the number of pages.  Deduct parts of pages for all the photos and charts.  When you ask for credit for this kind of PA, be sure to write at the top something like "Read both Lamm and Fiero for the required week." 

Web sites
: You may, if you need to, combine several Web sites to get the total required number of screen pages; just be sure to state the URL--the Web address--of each site you use.  Some Web sites are listed here: go to the top of the page and click on "Links to Humanities Web Sites."

B. Photo Report ("ph")

      This involves copying photos and writing a little about each.

      Rough draft, 200+ w. & 4+ copies of paintings, drawings, etc. from a source other than our textbooks. A much shorter paper presenting some drawings, musical compositions, etc.  State the source in your first sentence.  
400+ w. & 8+ illustrations = 2 Practice Activities, and 600+ w. & 12+ illus. = 3 Activities.

C.   Creative Story ("st")

      This involves writing a story.

      Rough draft, 600+ w. A fictional short story, a play, an imaginary journal/diary, an imaginary dialogue, etc.  You also may make your own video of a play, ancient story, etc.
1200+ w. = 2 Practice Activities; 1800+ w. = 3 Practice Activities.

D.   Humanities Program Site Visit, Play, or Game ("vp")

      This involves visiting a humanities program or site (such as a museum from our pre-1500 geographical area) or play (from our pre-1500 geographical area, or playing a game (from our pre-1500 geographical area, and writing a report about it.

      Rough draft, 300+ w. A brief, casual report on a humanities activity outside of class that you've done, seen, or played for about 1 hour this semester--a museum, a real stage play, or an ancient/medieval/ renaissance game you've played.

      2 hrs. & 600+ w. = 2 Practice Activities; 3 hrs. & 900+ w. = 3 Practice Activities.

      Note 1: You cannot count this for both attendance credit/make up AND a Practice Activity.  

      Note 2: There are several such board games, including one I have in my office that you may borrow.  There also is a video game called "Sid Meier’s Civilization IV."
Note 3: If you attend a live event (e.g., a live play or live museum visit] that lasts two hours or more, you may count your travel time, if you wish--actual time--but no more than 1 hr. total travel time.  This means, for example, that a two-hour visit to a museum or live play 1/2 hr. from your home may be counted as 3 hrs.--as 3 Practice Activities--if you write 900+ w.)

E. Video/Movie ("vm")

      This involves watching a video, movie, or TV show about our pre-1500 geographical area and writing about it.

      Rough draft, 300+ w.). A brief, casual report on a humanities activity outside of class that you've seen for about 1 hour this semester, such as a humanities television show or video, or a TV show, video, or movie of a work of art.  What you watch must be a serious, high-quality production that accurately reflects either actual history from an appropriate time period and geographical area for this course, or accurately reflects a work of art (e.g., a Greek or Shakespeare play; or a movie based on a book such as Beowulf, The Iliad, or The Odyssey) from an appropriate time period and geographical area.  You cannot count this for both attendance credit/make up AND a Practice Activity.  

      2 hrs. & 600+ w. = 2 Practice Activities; 3 hrs. & 900+ w. = 3 Practice Activities.

      Note: You may not count travel time to and from a movie.

F. Art or Craft You Make ("ac")

      This involves making a craft item, a drawing, a painting, or the like.

      Rough draft, 1 hr. of actual work, (after developing the idea). A drawing, painting, music, dance, architectural sketch, etc., plus 100+ words describing what it is and why/how it applies to one of the time periods discussed in the textbooks.

      2 hrs. of work & 200+ w. = 2 Practice Activities; 3 hrs. of work & 300+ w. = 3 Practice Activities.

G. Web Site, Oral or PowerPoint Presentation ("pres")

      This involves creating a web site, web page, oral, or PowerPoint presentation to/for the class to see or hear.

      You must prepare it for the class to see or hear on any subject having to do with our pre-1500 geographical areas. 100+ w. of rough-draft writing and 6-8 minutes of a presentation to the class.

      200+ w. & 13-15 min. = 2 Practice Activities, and 300+ w. & 20-22 min. = 3 Activities.

H. Creative Combination of the above. I'll also accept some kind of creative combination of the above categories, but ask me about it, first.

  • Final Analysis-Paper Homework--"Analysis of Your Humanities Experiences," 900+ w., worth 9 X's.

    DUE WKS. 15/16/17.

    Read these requirements carefully two or three times, starting in Week 14 or earlier. This is your "final," though it is somewhat of a rough draft and does not get a letter grade. Still, you must write it in order to pass the class, and you must get at least 5 of 9 X's on it to pass the class. It will take some time, which is why you have three weeks--and fewer other assignments--to complete it at the end of the course. Here are the requirements (after the "Suggested Process"): 

    Suggested Process:
     - You would be wise to try to get it done early--the end of Wk. 15.
       Then send it to me, and ask me if it's missing something seriously important. then I can give you a chance to revise it.
     - Write the first draft in Wk. 14 if possible.
     - This kind of paper may work best if you write a rough draft first, then shape it into the sections and paragraphs required below.
     - Note that the paper requires 6+ quotations! Add your quotations whenever it's easiest--as you write the first draft, as you organize, and/or after you finish organizing.

    Subject: Required. Write 900+ words reflecting on and analyzing your humanities experiences. Use at least two quotations per body section (6+ quotations total) from two or more sources.

    Organization, General: Required. Do this carefully--horrible or no organizing could lead to the loss of 2-3 X's on this homework assignment. Use the following parts, with an Underlined Subtitle for each one as shown underlined here:

     - 5 Main Parts:
       Introduction (1 paragraph)
       Past Life Experiences with the Humanities (2+ parags.)
       Current Experiences with the Humanities (2+ parags.)
       Possible Future Experiences with the Humanities (2+
       Conclusion (1 paragraph)
       Works Cited page (bibliography) on a separate page
     - Manuscript Form: Use a separate (not an email) MS Word attachment or printed paper, doublespaced, in 12-point Times New Roman font.
     - Paragraphs: no more than 200 w. max. per paragraph. You must have just 1 par. each for the intro and concl., and at least 2 par. per body section. (8 or more paragraphs, total)
     - Subtitles: Introduction, 3 body sections, and Conclusion should be the five Underlined Subtitles above.
     - Topic Sentences: Each paragraph should begin with a sentence summarizing, announcing, or implying what the paragraph will say.

    Contents: Write about the following.

     - Your Introduction  (1 par. under 200 w.) should state that this essay is about your "analysis of your humanities experiences," and summarize briefly what you are going to say in your 3 sections.
     - Your Conclusion  (1 par. under 200 w.).should reach some kind of summarizing ending about what you've said in your 3 sections.

     - Your Works Cited page (a bibliography page--one separate page by itself at the end of the rest of you paper) should list your two or more sources.

     - Your 3 body sections must discuss the following 3 subjects in 2+ paragraphs each:
       Section 1:
       Your Past Life Experiences with the Humanities
            before this term--What worked, what didn't, what was
            most positive or most missing in your life Humanities
            experiences before this semester, and/or what might you
            go back in your life and change regarding such
            experiences? (2 or more paragraphs)
       Section 2:
       Your Current Experiences with Humanities (in 
            general or in this course) during approximately this this             
            current semester--What new experiences may have  have           
            changed or affected you as an individual, what new new            
            experiences didn't change or affect you, and what--if
            you'd had more time--other experiences might you have
            found challenging, interesting, or useful in the past few
            months? (2+ par.)
       Section 3:
       Your Possible Future Experiences with Humanities-                  
             What would you like to do, will do, and won't do in the
             future in terms of the Humanities, what will you
             experience/give to your family, friends, and yourself,
             etc.? (2+ par.--Don't be too short with this! List a number
             of possibilities you could follow!)

    Research Quotations: Add the following:
     - 2+ quotations per body section (6+ total) from any of our main texts or other legitimate sources. (But NOT from physical or online dictionaries, encyclopedias, web page definitions, Wikipedia, famaous quotations sources, etc.) (6+ quotations total). If you're in doubt about whether a source is okay for quotations, just ask me! If you don't do the quotations, I will take off several X's--and you must have at least 5 X's on this homework paper to pass the class. Be sure to have a bibliography for your sources on a separate page at the end of the paper, too!

    Grammar, Spelling, and Punctuation: You don't have to make this paper perfect--just edit your paper at least once, carefully, before you turn it in--so I can read it relatively easily. Horrible or no real editing--grammar, spelling, and punctuation --will lead to a loss of at least one X. If the paper is unreadable, I won't look at it, and you won't pass the class.

    Manuscript Submission Form: Typed, double spaced, as a Word document that is

    (1) attached to an email
    (2) mailed to me as a manuscript through U.S. Post Office mail five days before the effective due date
    (3) placed under my door while I still will be coming to campus
    (4) brought to my condo by the effective due date.

    Here is an example of this final paper from a previous student:


Melissa Rose

Professor Jewell

Humanities 1110


Final Humanities Paper:

Analysis of My Humanities Experiences


Humanities are the arts that define our culture.  They are shared experiences and personal preferences.  The shared experiences are what bring us together to shape our culture, and our personal preferences allow us to express our individualism.  Have you stopped to think about how you have experienced the humanities lately?  Chances are, you experience them every day without even realizing it.  After a great humanities course this semester, I was reminded of not only what I enjoy about the humanities, but also what I learned about all the ways I can appreciate them, in a variety of forms.   And, it gave me a chance to reflect on what I have enjoyed in the past and how my experiences now are different and how they are the same.   I also was able to expand my knowledge of how past cultures are still relevant in influencing our modern day societies.  The very basis of the humanities has never changed.  The way the humanities can influence our daily lives can be subtle and we may need to take a few minutes just to reflect on the beauty and simplicity that can be found.

My Past Life Experiences with the Humanities

I have always loved being creative.  For as long as I can remember I have loved to craft. As a kid I would spend hours coloring, painting, and making things, and I learned to sew by the time I was ten.  One of the most vivid memories I have of spending time with my grandpa, a hardworking man of very little words, was when he let me crawl in his lap and color a picture of strawberries in a basket with him.  He showed me how to use long crayon strokes to fill in the berries and make them look uniform instead of choppy.  I couldn’t have been older than six or seven, but I’ll never forget how proud I was of that page torn from a coloring book.  I can still picture how perfectly red my strawberries looked. Now, Grandpa is not an artsy man, but an experience of one of the many forms of the humanities, something as simple as coloring, brought us together and created a memory that has lasted a lifetime.  It was the shared experience that has made the memory so special. 

Art is an unspoken language that is used to express emotions, feelings, and idea.  Arts and crafts are a way I now use to spend time with my littles ones.  They think it is fun, but really, we are building memories.  The honest pride on their faces when we display pieces on the fridge is not something that can be taught or learned; it comes only from experiences.  Richard Jewell, author of Experiencing the Humanities, says, “When an artist creates a work of art such as painting, a sculpture, or a piece of music, he or she is communication with us just as surely as if she were talking to us” (Ch. 8). I also remember how proud I was when I would make something and give it someone.  It is sharing a piece of yourself. While I may not have known, as a child, that this was what made it special, I knew it was something I enjoyed.

I don’t ever remember being bored as a kid because I loved to read and act.  When I was in 6th grade, I read more books than anyone in my class and reached my school year goal of reading over 50,000 words.  I loved reading because I could always find a character I wanted to be like and could relate to.   We learned  that “[s]ometimes it is not so much the subject matter that makes a piece of writing literature, as it is the way in which the subject matter is handled” (Jewell Ch. 13).  I loved plays for the same reason and would go home and re-enact my favorite scenes.  In fact, I was involved in theater as a kid.  The thrill of being on stage was so much fun.  The art of storytelling through reading and acting is something that I still practice today when reading to my own kids.  They love it when I change voices for characters and different parts of stories.  It makes it more real for them.  Had I not had those past experiences, I’m not sure that I would have the same appreciation I do now for getting to share something as simple as a story.  It may sound like just part of parenthood, but really I’m teaching my children an appreciation for the humanities.

My Current Experiences with Humanities

Prior to taking this humanities course, I had stopped taking time out for myself to slow down and appreciate the humanities I had always loved.  The only books I was reading were parenting books, the only art I was doing was kid’s crafts, and the only thing I was watching were Disney movies.  This is not to say that these aren’t experiences in humanities themselves, but they weren’t things that I was doing for myself.  Part of experiencing the humanities is practicing things you enjoy and are passionate about.  When you can take time for these things, it allows you a chance to reset or energize.  It also opens up the door for you to share your experiences with others who have the same interests.

During this semester I was able to re-experience several forms of the humanities that I really enjoy.  The course offered several fun, interactive ways to get the class involved.  Trips to The Minneapolis Institute of Arts were not only educational and relevant to the text we were studying, but they offered a chance to open dialogue with others regarding how they perceived a particular piece of artwork or sculpture. My favorite course-work events were attending plays.  I had the opportunity to attend Shakespeare’s As You Like It and was truly captivated.  I believe Shakespeare is meant to be experienced, not just read.  Shakespeare is known as one of the most influential writers ever.  “It is in his tragedies, and especially the tragedies of his mature career . . . that Shakespeare achieved the concentration of thought and language that have made him the greatest English playwright of all time” (Fiero 143). Not only that, but seeing this play gave me an opportunity to share my excitement with friends, and I think that is a just-as-important piece of the humanities.  When you can connect and feel from something so much that others want to experience it with you, too, this is a very powerful thing.

Another experience I really enjoyed this semester were the “assignments” of practicing humanities on our own.  I knew right away there were several things I wanted to do.  I made time to read a book, watch Shakespeare films, and paint.  The painting sessions I did were experiences I will never forget: because I have them displayed in my home, and even more because of what I got to share with others.  For the first painting I did, I was privileged to assist in leading a group.  This was such a humbling experience, in that I got to watch others – who haven’t had experience painting – discover something new.  It was also special because it was a group project with a message behind our painting: flourish fiercely.  And getting lost in creating something and focusing on color and brush strokes allows me to flourish by channeling energy into my painting.  “Great works of art always are, to some extent, interactive works” (Jewell Ch. 14). That shared energy, experiencing art together, made the room charged that day.  I get such a warm sense of pride and connectedness every time I take time to look at my own painting from that day. 

My Possible Future Experiences with Humanities

Moving forward from this humanities class, I have a new appreciation for the humanities.  As a kid, I knew what I liked simply because I enjoyed it, and it made me feel happy.  As an adult, I have learned how important maintaining the relationship with yourself and what you enjoy is.  I will most certainly continue to paint.  While it’s hard to make time for extra reading outside of a full load of course work, I do enjoy it and hope to catch up on some good novels over the summer.  I’ve already had several friends tell me they would like to go see a play, but I’m most excited that my daughter has become interested in seeing a play.  I would also like to get my sewing things out and finish some projects.  I would actually like to reopen my Etsy shop and use breaks to create and then sell: not only could I take time to practice something I enjoy, but hopefully I could make some extra spending money, too, perhaps to use for other humanities experiences (or to take time out to pamper myself a little).

I also need to take time to try new things and expand my experiences with the humanities.  The only way to learn is by trying new things.  Author of The Humanities Ronald Witt says that “the study of the humanities should involve a process of individual growth and self-knowledge just as valid today as it was hundreds of years ago” (xxv).  Just because I’ve never done something before doesn’t mean I shouldn’t try it.  I think that a big part of experiencing the humanities is having an open mind.  “We can learn more about ourselves and our friends and everyone who works around us.  We can realize our own potentials, and the potentials of others, much more thoroughly” (Jewell Ch. 1).  Next semester I am taking an intro to philosophy class, and I am really excited about it.  I am looking forward to learning more about how others perceive things around them.  I could have the same physical experience as someone else, but we could both have different perspectives on it.  I am also taking a creative writing course, which will allow me to connect my love of stories, plays, and writing.  Writing for others to read, especially for enjoyment, will be a new experience for me.


Our experiences with the humanities build from the time we are very little.  The humanities help us develop our individuality, shaping who we are.  As we grow we learn about things we like and don’t like.  And that should never stop.  We should always be striving to continue to grow as people.  Our experiences help us connect with others, and we then become part of a larger community. That community is part of a larger social society, and we become part of our culture.  The experiences and memories we create through practicing the humanities are a valuable part of our life.  As history has shown us, things that seem so simple, a painting, a book, a play, can transcend time.  People can relate to the humanities no matter their age, or whether it is current pop culture or classic renaissance art. 

Works Cited

Fiero, Gloria. The Humanistic Tradition. New York: McGraw Hill, 2011. Book 3. Print.

Jewell, Richard. Experiencing the Humanities. Internet. Accessed 12/10/2015   www.CollegeHumanities.org.

Witt, Ronald. The Humanities. Boston: Wadsworth, 2005. 7th Ed. Print.


  • Comments DUE WEEKLY, Weeks 2-14.  The comments on course textbook readings are your responses to the assigned textbook readings, 150+ w. each, with at least 50+ w. on each chapter or literary reading.   

    When should you do these Comments?  You may do these as you read, or after you're done reading.  

    How should you write them?  You may 

    • (1) write answers to some or all of the study questions at the ends of the chapters in the assigned textbook readings;      

    • (2) summarize by writing a line per page, or two lines per two pages, three for three, or four lines, summing up the contents of these pages;  

    • (3) respond by writing a line per page, two for two, three for three, or four for four, reacting to what you have read (e.g., describing what the pges make you think of, whether you disagree or agree and why, what they make you feel, imagine, or desire, and how or why, etc.); 

    • (4) you may do an outline or diagram of the chapter (as long as you have the required 150+ w.); or you even may try out some of the art forms discussed in some parts of some chapters.  I'm open to other alternatives, as long as you demonstrate in some way that you have read each page of each chapter.

Late Papers and Make Up

There is no makeup for the homework activities.  If you miss doing them, then you cannot get credit for them. If you are interested in doing makeup/extra credit that gets added to your attendance grade, then please go to "Attendance/Makeup and Extra Credit." 

Why don't I allow make up of missed homework?  There are three reasons.  They all boil down to the fact that we can't accomplish as much, have as much fun, or develop your writing abilities as well if make ups are regularly allowed.  If you're interested in the four reasons individually, here they are.  

  1. First and most important, much of the value of doing homework is gone when you do it late--after we have discussed it in class/on the bulletin board. If a lot of people didn't read the assignment on time (which is what happens when a teacher doesn't require it), I would have to review and explain the assignment step by step before we, as a whole class, could practice it or talk about it in some way.  And if I did this, even fewer people would want to read the assignment, which would result in my needing to review the assignment in class or online even longer.  As a result, there would be no point in giving the assignment, and all I would be doing is spending each class reviewing.  Instead, if most of you have read the assignment ahead of time, not only will you know the material much better, but also--and more important--we can do something with the material in class.  We can do group work, class games, discussion and sharing, etc., etc. 

  2. In addition, you won't be able to talk very well on the online D2L discussion boards if you haven't read the assignment.  You might say things that don't even apply, and/or other people in the class might have to take the time to tell you what is in the reading assignment.  

  3. Another reason why I don't allow make up of missed homework is that I then would have way too many papers to process in the last few weeks of the class.  

 There are, however, exceptions. They are as follows:

  • (a) In the first several weeks, if you have made an honest mistake about when something is due, talk with me, and I can make an exception.  This is good only for a few weeks, until everyone understands the rules.

  • (b) In the F2F (face-to-face), on-campus section of the course, only, no weekly homework is due if you aren't in class.  You will get "0's" for being absent, and then your papers are not due until the next time you come to class.  The next time, simply write on them "wasn't here last week," and I'll accept them automatically for full credit.

  • (c) In the FOL (fully-online) section of the course, weekly homework may be up to one week late for anyone for any reason (no excuse needs to be given), but no later, and will be automatically accepted within that one week period.

  • (d) If you miss some of your homework, you cannot make it up.  However, there is a way to do make up/extra credit for attendance.  Doing so can affect your overall grade so much that it can help bring up a poor homework grade.  For example, if you were to receive a "B" for homework (40% of your overall grade) because of missing assignments, you could do a lot of make up and extra credit work for attendance and receive an "A++++++" for attendance (20% of your overall grade); each "+" equals 1/3 of a letter grade, and the two grades here would average to a full "A."

            Again, if you are interested in doing make up/extra credit for attendance, please go to "Attendance/Make Up and Extra Credit." 


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Useful Tips for
Taking This Course

How to Use This Page: This page describes how to do each type of homework assignment.  It does not describe when they are due.  Use this page to learn how to do each assignment; then go to the Weekly Assignments page for the schedule of what homework is due each week.

Keeping Up with the Homework: There's no way around it - you will need to write about everything you've read, and it's worth 40% of your grade. 

However, shortcuts are possible.  One is learning to write faster: letting go and giving first thoughts without any planning.  Another is  carefully learning exactly what is expected for each type of writing assignment rather than guessing.

A third shortcut is keeping to the minimum.  Some of us (I include myself!) are tempted  to write forever, going way over the minimum word count.  But for the homework assignments, keeping to the minimum can save time.  Besides, learning to state or summarize briefly is actually a very important skill in both academic and professional worlds.

Updated Aug.  2018



Contents and page design: Copyright (©) 2005-2017 by Richard Jewell

Images courtesy of IHCC, Barry's Clip Art, Clip Art Warehouse, Clip Art Universe, Clipart Collection, MS Clip Art Gallery and Design Gallery Live, School Discovery, and Web Clip Art

First date of publication: January 1, 2005.  Graphics redesigned Aug. 1, 2013
Home-page server's URL: www.richard.jewell.net
CONTACT RICHARD: See www.Richard.Jewell.net/contact.htm.  Office: Business 136, Inver Hills CC