CollegeWriting.info |
Chapter D1. |
Here are fourteen groups of links. Click on the group you want to view, or scroll down to it:
1. Composition, Writing, & Rhetoric Programs
2. Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling Guides Online
5. Plagiarism--How to Avoid It
6. Computers
7. Evaluating Web Sources for Research Papers
9. Getting Started in College--Survival and Success
10. ESL/NNS (English as a Second Language/Nonnative Speakers)
11. How to Work in Small Groups
12. Composition Theory Essays (for Instructors and Advanced-Level Students)
13. Blogs/Weblogs
14. Readings
on the Web--Arguments, Literature, and other Readings
(Basic help with printing: You may print the entire list below.
However, if you prefer to print just one section, you may find it faster to copy
and paste the section to a Word document, and then print the Word document.)
1. Composition, Writing, & Rhetoric Programs
National list of college composition, rhetoric, and writing programs in the U.S., 1997: http://eee.uci.edu/programs/comp/others.html
National list of home pages for writing programs, writing-intensive programs, and writing centers: http://www.its.uidaho.edu/comp/programhomes.html
2. Online Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling Guides
(Click here.)
5. Plagiarism
Fee-based prevention programs: www.plagiarism.org & www.canexus.com
Preventing Plagiarism of Papers: www.plagiarism.org
6. Computers
(Click here.)
(Click here.)
Colleges & universities, directory of 3000+ N. American college Web sites: http://U101.com/
Colleges & universities, search engine for all : http://apps.collegeboard.com/search/index.jsp
History of ancient and modern writing and language systems/linguistics, student-friendly site: http://www.ancientscripts.com/
History (short) of the English language: www.m-w.com/about/look.htm
Learning disabilities resources: http://www.bedfordresearcher.com/links/writing_resources.cfm?type=writing&discipline=ld
Rhetoric, online "guide to the terms of classical and renaissance rhetoric": http://humanities.byu.edu/rhetoric/silva.htm
Translation, English to French, German, Portuguese, Spanish, or Italian: http://babelfish.altavista.digital.com/cgi-bin/translate
Viruses, information about (current & past, protection methods, etc.): www.symantec.com/avcenter
Word lovers' delight: www.logophilia.com
9. Getting Started in College--Survival and Success
"Getting Started in College," Wadsworth Publishing
"Developing College Survival Skills," Wadsworth Publishing
"Resource Web Links," Wadsworth Publishing
10. ESL (English as a Second Language) & NNS (Nonnative Speakers)
Grammar Guide: Minnesota
Grammar Help and Exercises: Minnesota
Miscellaneous: "Dave's ESL Cafe," an "Internet Meeting Place for Students and Teachers"
Noncredit ESL Program Example: Minnesota English Center
Resources for Students and Instructors: Frostburg
Teaching Advice/Strategies: Minnesota
Teaching "Generation 1.5" ESL Students: US Dept. of Education
"Writing Strategies for Multilingual Students": Princeton
11. How to Work in Small Groups
(Click here.)
(Click here.)
13. Blogs/Weblogs
Here are some leads to academic blog web sites and books from Frank L. Christ at flchris@coxnet:
Blogger at http://www.blogger.com
Radio Userland at http://www.userland.com/, http://radio.weblogs.com/0120501/
Educational Technology http://people.uis.edu/rschr1/et/blogger.html
Online Higher Education Notebook at http://www.uis.edu/~schroede/sources.htm
Online Learning Update at http://people.uis.edu/rschr1/onlinelearning/blogger.html
Techno-News http://people.uis.edu/rschr1/blogger.html
14. Readings on the Web--Arguments, Literature, and Other Readings
(Click here.)
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