
English 1114--Comp II


Inver Hills Community College

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  Course Packet

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   2nd Required Reading

Also in This Website: 

   Syllabus (Summary)

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   Make Up/Extra Credit

 .    ---

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        Ph. 651-450-8598



(Homework; 67% of X's)


This page is about the writing part of your homework -  which is most of your homework.  You will write about what you read, and you will write several drafts each of three different types of academic papers.  All of this writing will count in your course as about 67% or 67 points/X's of your grade (with attendance counting as about 33% or 33 points/X's).  (10-pt. Ariel; 2,6,111%)


What are the basics of 1114 homework?

This is a long page, but there is a lot of very important and helpful info on it.

First, there are two main kinds of homework in this course, and both involve lots of writing:

  1. Writing about book readings: our main two reading books that you will read and discuss, and our main composition textbook

  2. Writing drafts of different types of formal papers

There are a few other miscellaneous homework assignments, as well.  Simply check the "Schedule" every week.  Your "Course Packet" that you print out (you need two copies) also has a one-page table of assignments for the semester.  

Thus there are two focuses in this course: examining two nonfiction books and practicing writing and research beyond what you did in Composition I (Eng 1108):

Two Focuses of Course


Types of Assignments

Value in

Amount of Class
& Homework Time for Papers

2 Nonfiction Books

Read, discuss, & write about the chapters of the books.

1 credit

about 1/3rd of your time

Writing & Research

Practice writing, learn more types of papers,
& practice researching.

2 credits

about 2/3rds of your time

The chart above shows how your three credits for this course are distributed in work time.  In terms of your overall grading, there is a total of 100%, 100+ points, or 100+ X's possible in the course.  (1% = 1 point = 1 X.) Counting all of your weekly papers and all writing and reading, your homework is worth about 67%, which is the same in this class as 67 points or 67 X's.  Your attendance is worth about 33%, points, or X's.  Your active participation/improvement or lack of it can move your final grade up or down mildly to strongly, up to a letter grade higher or lower.   Extra credit - mainly for attendance but also for an extra Draft 4 - also is possible.  See the "Grading" page in this Web site for more details. 

There are two main types of readings in this course, and several kinds of writings.  First, every week, you will have one or more chapters to read from the two nonfiction books we are examining this term.  I'll also ask you to write some notes about what you have read so that I know you have read the books (and so I don't have to give pop quizzes or other tests).  There also will be, during the first three-fourths of the term, readings from our online writing textbook and our online grammar handbook.  You'll also have to do some brief "Study Questions" about these textbook and grammar handbook readings.  

What about graded papers?  Normally, there would be two major ones, both related in some way to the books we will read and discuss.  However, this particular section of this course is different from most other composition courses in that there are no regular graded papers.  Instead, there is a series of drafts of different papers, and each draft, when satisfactorily completed, receives two or more X's (depending on its difficulty).  You will have as many times as you need to fix these drafts until they are right.  They replace graded papers.  The instructions for writing these papers are in the "Course Packet."

Why am I using this system of having a lot of non-graded, X'ed drafts?  It is my experience that people learn writing best from a lot of practice.  I can guarantee you that by the end of this course, if you have worked hard and received a "C" or better for the course, you will be a better writer--and probably a much better, more confident writer.  Students who have used this system in past terms tell me that they feel less pressure and like having as many opportunities as they can to get their papers right.  This system also rewards those who work hard and work consistently.  It simply is a matter of practice.  Consider this course your apprenticeship in writing, as if you were apprenticed to a craftsman (me) who takes you just one step at a time and gives you plenty of chances to get each step right, as long as you are willing to keep working.

What are the due dates & delivery methods?

The due dates and delivery of your homework are as follows: 

Homework is due at the beginning of class on Wednesday (for M/W classes) or Thursday (for Tu/Th classes) or Friday (for MWF classes).  One of the reasons I want homework to be done by Wed./Thurs./Fri. is that I'm usually on campus only three days per week.  

Can you do homework during class?  Nope.  You need to have the homework done before class so that you can pay full attention to what we're doing in class.  I also sometimes like you to have it done before coming to class on Wed. so you know better what we are talking about in class.  

What about homework if you miss class? If you do not attend class, you do not have to turn in homework until the next time you come to class.  When you do come to class, if you have late homework, write at the top of it something like "missed last Wed." (no other explanation is needed). 

The Draft 1-4 papers need to be turned in quickly.  How quickly can you give them to me and pick them up again?  You can do it as fast as twice a week.  I'm on campus at least two days a week and can leave papers out for you to pick up when I arrive.  To pick up papers after I have arrived, simply look in the workroom across the narrow hall from my office, which is B-136.  (B-136 is through the door to the right immediately after you enter the Business Building.)  In that workroom across from B-136, on the counter, is a small, black-mesh file box, open at the top.  The folder with your papers has your class name on it.  To drop off papers before I leave campus, you can slide them under my door (B-136) or in my nearby mailbox, or if the outer office door is locked (in the evening), you can write "TO RICHARD JEWELL, B-136" on the back of your paper and slide it under the outer office door.  Someone will place it in my mailbox.  I usually am on campus on the two days of my daytime classes and one of those nights (either Mon./Wed. or Tues./Thurs.).  Just ask me for the days and times. 

(If you want to bring a paper to my house up until midnight of the day of our Final, please go to "Contact Richard" in www.richard.jewell.net for instructions and directions.)                

If you want to send general homework to me online, please know that I prefer to get it at school.  However, if you are up against a deadline, you can explain that to me and then send it by email in the text of an email.

Online Submission of Work:

Do not submit weekly homework such as Study Questions, Journals, and the Info & Photo Sheet by email--simply submit them the next time you show up in class. 

If you want to send me a Draft 1-4 online, please follow these instructions at the bottom of this page--click here on DELIVERY BY EMAIL to go to it.


LATE PAPERS and MAKE UP: "See "Late Papers and Make Up" below.


What are the readings?

See the "Readings & Resources" page in this web site.

If you want to know what the reading assignments are for each week, please see Dates/Weekly Assignments in this web site.

What are the weekly homework papers?

(Study Questions, Summaries, Comments, Class Journals, and Drafts of Papers)

Click on what you want in the text below:


Study Questions    Summaries

Comments                  Journals

Drafts 1-4 of Papers

How to Present--and Handwrite or Type-- the Wkly. Pprs. (Study Questions, Comments, & Journals.)

Would you like to submit by email?


Introduction to "weekly homework papers"

All assignments are based on the weekly "Schedule," and many of them are rough draft.  The rough-draft papers may be written quickly, even sloppily, by pen or by computer printout (but Drafts 1-4 do have to be typed).  You'll get a check mark for doing them and receive a grade at the end of the term for how many check marks you've received. 

The comments about your readings are meant to help you think more about--and better absorb--the readings.  These comments also help me know that you are doing the readings.  They are like lab practice in a biology course or drills in physical education or sports: for your practice and thinking.  I will skim these papers quickly, but I won't usually read every word that you write, as the papers are mainly for your practice (and besides, I receive 100-400 such papers per week from my four or five classes, so I don't have time to read and comment on all).  For this reason, if you have a question or want me to look at a particular place on your comments, write a note to me in dark ink or circled at the top of your paper so I will notice it!  I will be glad to answer any questions you have or look more carefully at a part or a paper special to you and comment on it.  By having these "practice" papers, we can avoid tests, pop quizzes, and other objective testing.   

All papers must be on time.  Late papers are not accepted because most of them help you prepare for class discussions and activities.  Most assigned papers for any given week always will be due on Wednesday or Thursday of that week (depending on whether my classes for the term are on M/W or T/Th), whether on campus or online.  (And for a night class, your papers will be due at the time you show up for class.)  However, there are some exceptions: see ""Due Dates & Delivery Methods" above for more.

Please remember to consider the weekly writings as "lab" papers--written in very rough-draft form--without worrying about grammatical usage, spelling, or punctuation:




(1) Read the assigned chapters.

(2) Write about what you read.  In most weeks, there will be a different type of writing to do about your chapters.  Please see the schedule to determine what kind of paper you should write in any given week. 

(3) When you write your weekly papers about your readings, you will need to write a minimum number of words.  Please check the weekly schedule to see how many words you must write in a particular week for a particular type of paper.  Please also use the following directions in presenting all papers about readings, "Study Questions," and "Journals" - your doing this, as shown below, will help me process your papers more easily, given that I have a few hundred short papers to look at each week:


            For each one, you may type or handwrite using dark ink.  On any one paper, if you write more than one page, please turn the sheet over and continue on the second page.  (However, write each type of paper on an entirely new sheet: e.g., "Study Questions" should be on one sheet, and a "Journal" should be on another, separate sheet.)   

            Also, whenever you turn these types of papers in, please write, in the upper-right corner of the first page, the following info so I can tell the difference between the assignments, the weeks, and your class and any other section or class I might have (and also so, if your paper is lost on campus, it will come back to me).  This may not sound like it's very important, but it makes a big difference for me.  It helps me a lot.  I look at 100-300 such papers per week.  I do appreciate your help with this:


Name (First & Last)

for Instructor Name, Course and Section/Time

Week Number

Study Questions, Journal, Sum., Interp., Eval., Crit. Rvw.?

[for Study Questions:] Set A: 6 Responses
Set B: 6 Points
or C: Answers about Chapter
or D: Answers about Samples


Here's an example:

Alison Krause

for Jewell, Eng 1108-01, 1 p.m.

Week 3
Study Questions [or Summary or Journal #3]
Set B: 6 Points


Do I read every last word of every sheet of your writings about your readings?  Your writings about your readings are like biology lab practices or sports practice: they are meant for you to practice writing on your own, to think more thoroughly about what you have read, and/or to better remember what you have read by writing about it.  Do I read every last word?  There isn't time for me to, given how many weekly papers I assign to all my students.  But that's okay; they're mainly for your practice anyway.  I do at least look at each paper to see if you've met the requirements and have done the reading.  And sometimes something grabs me and I read part or all of these weekly papers.  If you ever do want me to notice something in particular and comment on it, or if you want to ask a question, why don't you write me a note at the very top of the first page and circle it or mark it darkly so I'll definitely see it.  Your note might be something like "What do you think of my answer to number 2?" or "I have a question: how do I find out how to contact you?"  Then I can answer your question or check out something in your paper more carefully.



(1) First, read the required chapter(s).  Read it all if it is a general-information or introductory-information chapter.  However, if it is a chapter about one specific type of writing (e.g., a thesis paper), then you only need to read the sections in the top four boxes: "Introduction," "Basics," "Advanced," and "Samples."  Reading other parts, like "Fun" and "Exercises," is optional. 

(2) Next, at the beginning of the chapter, click on the Web link to the "General Study Questions."  This will take you to the study questions.  They are always exactly the same, and on exactly the same Web page: they never change.  It doesn't matter which chapter you are in.  (The link for the "Study Questions" usually is at the top of the chapter's home page.  If you can't find a link, go directly to the "Questions"-- by clicking here or writing the Web address http://CollegeWriting.info/studyquestions.htm-- or go to another chapter that does have the link to the "Study Questions" and use that link.)  

(3) Once you're in "General Study Questions," look at  the four types of study questions.  Choose which type you want to do.  However, please note: for a general-intro or general-info chapter, you only can do "Study Questions Set A" or "Study Questions Set B."  For the other type of chapter--one on a specific type of writing, and also containing sample papers--you can choose any of the four types of questions you want.

(4) When you write your study questions, please note in the upper-right corner of your sheet of paper which set ("A: Responses" "B: Points," "C: Answers about Chapters," or "D: Answers about Samples") you have chosen to do.  This will help me remember which type is which, as some of these are new for me, too.  You must write 150+ words.  Please follow these directions in presenting all "Study Questions" and "Journals"--again, doing so will help me process your papers more easily, given that I have 100-400 such papers per week to look at.

The main purpose of your writing "Study Questions" is to think about the assigned reading on paper: i.e., using a different part of your brain than is used in reading and in marking the text.  A second purpose is to better recall what you read: studies show that the more ways you communicate--to yourself or others--what you have read, the more you tend to remember of it.  And a third purpose is, simply, to prove to me that you did the reading.  Please remember that though this may seem tedious, it replaces pop quizzes and tests, and it also helps almost 100% of learners remember better.


Directions: There are only one or two summaries.  When you do a summary, you should write it with complete objectivity, never entering or allowing your own opinion in it.  You should try to write the summary as if the author him or herself might write it, giving as much weight or importance to each idea as the author would, or as little.  

Most summaries in academic and business writing are rather short.  For this class, I'd like you to write 300 words or more for each summary unless otherwise noted.  Most summaries in academia and the business world are written in the form of one or several paragraphs.  However, so that you can practice doing summaries well, in this class, please write them as a list of sentences, with the page numbers of the reading showing on the left, and the contents of each page or two on the right.  Write a full, complete sentence for each page or two: for example,

p. 1: The author discusses her experience of first discovering, at age 18, that she has cancer of the brain.

pp. 2-3: She explains how the cancer was diagnosed and how she felt about it.

p. 4: She talks about how her closest friends responded with a mix of fear and pity.

pp. 5-6 She says she dislikes pity and that her friends' pity for her made her feel even worse than their fear.

pp. 7-8....


Be sure you have a complete sentence for each page, don't do more than one or two pages per line, be sure to have the page number, and make your summary 300+ words in length.  For the length, figure out how many pages you must summarize, then divide that number into 300 words: e.g., if you're going to read 60 pages, then use 300 w. / 60 = 5 words per page.  As a result, for every two pages, you'd need to write a sentence about 10 words long.

How do you know what to summarize on each page in so few words?  Pick out either the main idea or two in that page or two, or pick out the most important idea or two in that page or two.



Directions: There are eight "Comments" papers--all of them are on one of the required textbooks, the physical one called The Transition to College Writing. For each, please simply write 150+ words of comments in any way you want (summary, thoughts, responses, memories) in such a way that you are showing that you read the entire assigned chapter.



Directions: There may be two to six journals.  They must be 300+ words each. Simply type (in black ink) or handwrite (in dark ink) 300+ words in rough-draft form.

For the "Hello Richard" Journal and the "Goodbye Richard" Journal, write 300+ words thoughtfully and/or creatively.  In the "Hello Richard" Journal, simply say hi to me, tell me about yourself, and tell me how you feel about writing of different kinds and why or how.  For the "Goodbye Richard" journal, tell me how the course worked for you, what you learned, what you still need to learn, and what you hope to do with your learning about writing in the future.  For the Journal about the Web site, please see the directions in the "Schedule."  

To read how to turn in all "Journals" and "Study Questions," please see above, "How To Present the Weekly Papers."


The final type of weekly papers is the drafts of papers to write each week.  You will have many drafts to write, and you will choose the subjects of them.  There will be no graded papers.  You'll simply receive X's for each correct draft.  And if a draft isn't right, you'll have about a week in which to fix it--and even fix it again, if necessary. The only limit you will have for fixing these drafts is the length of the class itself:  you must have all the drafts (or as many as you can) done by the end of the semester.  Basically, here is how it works:

Choose five subjects and write the following "Draft 1's":

Turn two D-1's into two D-2's
(for a "D"):

Turn one D-2 into one D-3
(for B or C)

Turn one D-3 into one D-4
(for an "A"):

Paper A--Write an "analysis paper" on a subject using our main reading book.

1st D-2:
Expand Draft 1, Paper A, B, or C.

One D-3:
one Draft 2.

Written D-4:
Edit your
D-3 well.


Orally-presented D-4: Edit & present your D-3 in front of others.

Paper B--Write a "dialogic argument" on a subject using our main reading book.

Paper C--Write a "thesis paper" on a subject using our main book reading book.

(May be a 1st D-2 or a 2nd D-2, but can't be both!)

Paper D--Write an "evaluation" of an essay using our 2nd reading book.

2nd D-2:
Expand Draft 1, Paper C, D, or E.

Paper E--Write a "critical review" of an essay using our 2nd reading book.

Because this is a "Writing Intensive" course transferable to the University of Minnesota as such, you must, at a minimum, write 10+ pages of formal writing for this course, which means that you must successfully complete (get X's on) one Draft 4 OR any combination of two different papers that are in the Draft 2, 3, and/or 4 stage of development.  [For example, to meet this requirement, you could have the following three papers: (1) a Draft 2 of Paper B, (2) a draft 3 of Paper F, and (3) a Draft 4 of Paper H.]

The "Course Packet" available for printing here online also has a one-page "Table of Assignments" that show about when the Drafts 1-4 are due (or go to the top of this Web page and click on "TABLE OF ASSIGNMENTS"; then return to this Web by closing the MS Word window).

The Draft 1's are short--about 500+ words each, and just require a typed rough draft.  The Draft 2's require the addition of more supporting details (stories, quotations, etc.) and greater length.  The Draft 3's require typing, more organization, and a bit more length.  The Draft 4's require careful editing for grammar, spelling, and punctuation, along with a bit more final length--or, for a research conference presentation, they require good use of English grammar (but not necessarily perfect editing of punctuation).  The directions for these papers are in your "Course Packet," which you must print from this Web site.

What is the expected work load?

How much work is a typical college class?  3 cr. = 9 hrs./wk.; 4 cr. = 12 hrs./wk. That includes both class and homework.  I'd like to ask you for your commitment this semester to the expected amount of time for work. The Inver Hills (and national) standard is three hours of work (two of homework and one of class time) per week for every one college credit, to receive an average grade. This class is a four-credit class, so please plan on spending at least twelve hours per week on class and homework: four on class and eight on homework.  This represents an average--some weeks may be less, some more.  It also represents the work needed by the average college student to receive an average grade (which, nationally, is probably a "B" or "B-" in the first two years of college).  If you want an "A, " have not had much practice with writing, or tend to be a below-average student, you may need to work more than the amount of time described here.

Please note that some people tell me they just think I am saying this to scare them a little, but that in reality this will be like most other classes in which you can skip a lot and still do okay.  That is not the case.  I am telling you the truth.  I have surveyed many of my composition classes (both 1108 and 1114), and the average hrs. per week that people work for and attend my class (combined) in 1108 is about 10 hrs./week.  This works out to about 3.5 hrs. of attendance and 6.5 hrs. of homework per week.  And the average grade is a B.  If you want an A - or if you are weak in writing - you may have to work much harder and longer.  And there will be some weeks that are much, much harder, while others may be a bit easier.  Basically, my students tell me that they rarely have to work as hard in other classes as they have in mine.  But those who finish almost always tell me it was well worth it because of how much they have learned.  Ask around.

What about late papers and make ups?

If you miss homework, you may turn it in as extra credit, but only for the exact amount of time spent on it.  If you miss doing homework, you cannot get normal homework credit for them.  To see more about make up/extra credit for attendance, please go to "ATTENDANCE/Makeup and Extra Credit.

Why can't you get regular homework credit for missing homework?  There are two or three reasons.  They all boil down to the fact that we can't accomplish as much, have as much fun, or develop your writing abilities as well if you can be late all the time in getting your homework done.  If you're interested in the four reasons individually, here they are:

(1) First and most important, much of the value of doing homework is gone when you do it very late--after we have discussed it in class/on the bulletin board.  If a lot of people didn't read the assignment on time (which is what happens when a teacher doesn't require it), I would have to review and explain the assignment step by step before we, as a whole class, could practice it or talk about it in some way.  And if I did this, even fewer people would want to read the assignment, which would result in my needing to review the assignment in class even longer.  As a result, there would be no point in giving the assignment, and all I would be doing is spending each class reviewing.  Instead, if most of you have read the assignment ahead of time, not only will you know the material much better, but also--and more important--we can do something with the material in class.  We can do group work, class games, discussion and sharing, etc., etc.  

(2) In addition, you won't be able to talk very well on the online discussion boards (if our class has them) if you haven't read the assignment.  You might say things that don't even apply, and/or other people in the class might have to take the time to tell you what is in the reading assignment.  

(3) And a final reason is that with all the writing and revising of your Drafts 3 and 4 near the end, you wouldn't do as well on these final drafts if you were taking a lot of time out to make up of a bunch of other homework.  

There are, however, exceptions. They are as follows:

  • In the first several weeks, if you have made an honest mistake about when something is due, talk with me, and I can make an exception.  This is good only for a few weeks, until everyone understands the rules.

  • Also, weekly homework is not due if you aren't in class.  You can simply turn it in at the beginning of the next class you attend, and write on it "missed last class."  I'll then accept it automatically for full credit.  (However, there are two final deadlines for weekly homework - Wk. 7 and Wk. 15 - that cannot for any reason be extended.)

Remember, however, that you are allowed attendance make up/extra credit.  In fact, you can do so much attendance make up/extra credit that it can help balance out a bad homework grade.  You can just keep doing attendance extra credit way past an "A+" for attendance--e.g., you can earn an A++++--and this will average in with your homework grade to help pull it up higher.  For example, if you were to receive a "B" for homework (60% of your overall grade) because of missing assignments, you could do a lot of make up and extra credit work for attendance and receive an "A++++++" for attendance (20% of your overall grade); each "+" equals 1/3 of a letter grade, and the two grades here would average to a full "A."

Again, if you are interested in doing make up/extra credit for attendance, please go to "ATTENDANCE/Makeup and Extra Credit.

Delivery of Papers outside of Class?

When you submit a Draft-2, -3, or -4, you must always give me the following:

1.      Most recent older paper

2.      Most recent cover sheets with my marks on them

3.      Your newest revised paper

(4.) (Are you turning in an entirely new D-2, -3, or -4?
      If so, then give me the above 3 things, and also fill in and add the new cover sheets for it.)

You can submit a D-2, D-3, or D-4 in one of four ways:

     A. Give it to me at class.

     B. Slide it under my B-136 office door.
          (In 2014-2015, do this no later in the week than when I 
          leave Thurs. I am not on campus Friday through
          Monday. That means if you leave a paper Fri.-Mon., I
          won’t find it until Tues. noon. And I may not have time to
          grade it immediately.)

     C. Bring it to my condo 24/7 in Minneapolis. For
          directions, see
          I need it no later than Sunday noon. If you don’t hand it
          to me, personally, let me know by email it is there.)

    D. Send it by email attachment using these directions:

1. Don’t just email the paper by itself. I always need to see three things: first, the old cover sheets with your and my writing on it; second, the most recent older version of the paper, especially if it has my markings on it; and third, the newest paper.

2. Most of you will want to give me the parts of the paper  like this:

a. At school, give me your old cover sheets with your
       and my writing on them.

b. At school, also give me your most recent older paper        with my marks on it.

c. And write me a note on the top sheet: “Will send rest
       by email


d. Then, later, email me one email attachment—just of
       the paper itself—the newest version of the paper.
       When you email it, be sure to do the following:

i. First, be sure your Works Cited page is the last page of the paper itself. (Do NOT send the Works Cited by separate attachment!)

ii. Email your paper as an MS Word attachment (as a “.docx” or “.doc” file). (Do NOT send it in the email itself, or as an .rtf or other file.)

iii. Be sure to tell me in your email which section number—or time and days—you meet (because I have several sections of writing classes). And if your email address doesn’t show your first and last name, let me know that, too (because in several sections of writing, I have students with the same first or last names).

3. Are you giving me an entirely new, first-time D-2, -3, or -4? If so, then send me a 2nd email attachment: fill in your new, blank cover sheets, and then send them to me as an MS Word attachment.
(How do you do this? The easiest way to get the cover sheets is to bring up the Course Packet and delete all the pages before and after the specific cover sheets you want. In that way, you will preserve the margins. Then save the file to your desktop. And then you can add it to your email as an attachment.)

4. If you are able to take full-size manuscript photos/.pdf files, then you can also send the old paper and old cover sheets by email attachment using .pdf attachments.

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Popular Shortcuts
& Links for This Page
Click on what you want.


On This Page:


Study Questions




Drafts 1-4 of Papers

How to Present Wkly. Pprs.

Delivery of Papers outside of Classl


Second Required Book Options--the List   

Schedule (Dates/Wkly. Assignments)--See left-hand column.

Textbooks, Links, & Resources --See left-hand column's "Readings/ Resources."

"Course Packet"--See left-hand column.


Useful Tips for
Taking This Course

(1) Directions for Drafts 1, 2, 3, & 4: IIf you want specific directions on how to write a Draft 1, 2, 3, or 4, you will need to print, read, and use the "Course Packet."

(2) Keeping Up with Homework:
If you do homework late, you will not get regular credit for it; instead, you must turn it in as extra credit and write at the top of it how much time you spent doing it.  If you did it quickly, this means you may end up getting less credit for it (but, conversely, if you spent a lot of time doing it, you may end up with more credit than normal).   some attendance credit as a penalty.  In general, it works best for people if they keep--more credit and less anxiety.


Updated Aug. 2018



Contents and page design: Copyright (©) 2005-2017 by Richard Jewell

Images courtesy of IHCC, Barry's Clip Art, Clip Art Warehouse, Clip Art Universe, Clipart Collection, MS Clip Art Gallery and Design Gallery Live, School Discovery, and Web Clip Art

First date of publication: January 1, 2005.  Graphics redesigned Jan. 1, 2014
Home-page server's URL:  www.richard.jewell.net/1114/home.htm 
CONTACT RICHARD: See www.Richard.Jewell.net/contact.htm.  Office: Business 136, Inver Hills CC