CollegeWriting.info |
Chapter S1. |
NOTE: This page has not been updated since 2006. However, some of the
links may still be active.
1. Composition,
Writing, & Rhetoric Programs
2. Computers
3. Online Grammar Handbooks & Resources
Email, Internet, & the Web
Evaluating Web Sources
Misc. Professional Resources
Professional/Scholarly Organizations/Publications
Readers/Readings Online
10. Teachers' Guides and Training
Materials, General
11. Teaching Using
Small Groups and Classroom Presentations
12. Theory Essays in This Web Site
13. Web Resources for
Secondary & Elementary Writing
14. Blogs/Weblogs
15. Instructor Home Page on This Web Site
(Basic help with printing: You may print the entire
list. However, if you prefer to print just one or two sections, you may
find it faster to copy and paste each section to a Word document, and then print
the Word document.)
1. Composition,
Writing, & Rhetoric Programs
National list of composition, rhetoric, and writing programs in the U.S., 1997: http://eee.uci.edu/programs/comp/others.html.
National list of home pages for college writing programs, writing-intensive programs, and writing centers: http://www.its.uidaho.edu/comp/programhomes.html.
National Writing Project (elementary-secondary writing program): http://www.writingproject.org
2. Computers
Excel, using Microsoft Excel: http://help.com, http://help.com/cat/2/69/122/124/index.html (simple spreadsheet), www.ehow.com/eHow/eHow/0,1053,9698,00.html (graph).
Help from outside sources: www.microsoft.com/support and www.zdnet.com/zdhelp.
Newsgroups: see the "Email, Internet, & the Web" section below.
3. Online Grammar Handbooks &
The University of Minnesota Online Grammar Handbook: www.umn.edu/jewel001/home/grammar.htm.
Mary McCaslin's NASA grammar manual:
Purdue Online Writing Center Grammar Lessons: http://owl.english.purdue.edu
Online writing centers listed by National Writing Centers Assoc.: http://nwca.syr.edu
Online writing centers listed among writing programs and centers by University of Idaho: http://www.its.uidaho.edu/comp/programhomes.html.
Online writing centers & their resources for teachers (Purdue University): http://owl.english.purdue.edu/internet/owls/writing-labs.html.
Online writing resources for teachers (listed by Purdue University): http://owl.english.purdue.edu/internet/resources/index.html.
"Working with Grammar and Mechanics" (University of Minnesota Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of Writing): http://cisw.cla.umn.edu/faculty/grammar/index.html
Email--your own free, secondary email account: http://msn.com, http://hotmail.com, http://yahoo.com, http://netscape.com, http://tripod.com, http://angelfire.com, http://eudora.com, et al.
Internet, guide to and readings about: www.internet-tips.net.
Newsgroups, how to use them: www.dejanews.com.
Newsgroups search engine to find information in discussion groups: www.dejanews.com.
University of Kentucky Web Evaluation Workshop materials by Julie Eckerle:
www.uky.edu/ArtsSciences/English/wc/workshopbib.html and
UMN Libraries materials: See especially "Lesson 4" at http://tutorial.lib.umn.edu/infomachine.asp?moduleID=7.
UMN Libraries materials: See especially "Lesson 4" at http://tutorial.lib.umn.edu/infomachine.asp?moduleID=7.
UWisconsin system: http://www.uwec.edu/Admin/Library/Guides/tencs.html.
Widener University, complex and very full system: http://www2.widener.edu/Wolfgram-Memorial-Library/webevaluation/webeval.htm.
6. Miscellaneous Professional Resources
Active Learning: See Richard Felder's Web site at North Carolina State University, http://www.ncsu.edu/felder-public/RMF.html.
Adjunct issues: See "Jobs" immediately below.
Book Reviews: See "Reviews of Books" immediately below.
Colleges, links to: www.utexas.edu/world/univ/state/ (by state), www.allaboutcollege.com/ (by country and state), and http://home.universalclass.com/ (by alphabetical order--scroll to bottom of home page), http://U101.com/ (3000+ by state and province)
Web pages, samples made with FrontPage: www.richard.jewell.net
to Educational Materials (a general gateway to information and resources for
K-college teachers):
Disabilities, online accessibility: "Web Accessibility Initiative"--www.w3.org/WAI/; "Web Accessibility in Mind"--http://www.webaim.org/; Web site checker--http://bobby.watchfire.com/bobby/html/en/index.jsp; general information from MnSCU--http://www.its.mnscu.edu/webmaster/
Learning disabilities resources: http://www.bedfordresearcher.com/links/writing_resources.cfm?type=writing&discipline=ld
National Writing Project: http://www.nwp.org/
Jobs and job issues: http://www.englishtown.com/bbs/bbsjobs/default.asp, http://www.adjuncts.com
Reviews of books (Boston Book Review, Publisher's Weekly, et al.): www.bookwire.com
Writing across the Curriculum (WAC, CAC, WID): "Many Disciplines," http://cisw.cla.umn.edu, http://eee.uci.edu/programs/comp/others.html#TOC25988, http://owl.english.purdue.edu/handouts/wac/index.html, http://aw.colostate.edu/resource_list.htm
Translation, English to French, German, Portuguese, Spanish, or Italian: http://babelfish.altavista.digital.com/cgi-bin/translate
Viruses, information about (current & past, protection methods, etc.): www.symantec.com/avcenter
Writing Centers: See above "Online Grammar Handbooks and Resources"
Writing Intensive Program at University of Minnesota: http://cisw.cla.umn.edu
Word lovers' delight: www.logophilia.com
For help in working with new, developmental/basic, and disabled students (an award-winning learning-strategies Web site): http://fates.cns.muskingum.edu/~cal/database/database.html
Web Design: http://www.bedfordresearcher.com/links/web.cfm, http://www.webstyleguide.com/index.html?/index.html, http://www.sun.com/980713/webwriting/
Fee-based prevention programs: www.plagiarism.org & www.canexus.com
"An Introduction to the Culture of Scholarship"--honesty, work, and plagiarism, a 42-page manual developed by teachers and students: Creighton University (pdf file)
Learning what it is and avoiding it: Minnesota and Princeton. See also above "Citation...."
Plagiarism avoidance resource list: Bedford Researcher
Plagiarism sites and sites with free student papers: http://www.educeth.ch/english/teachers/teaching.html#plagiarism
Preventing Plagiarism of Papers: www.plagiarism.org
8. Professional/Scholarly Organizations
& Publications of
Interest to Composition Instructors
Accreditation, accrediting bodies: www.ncacihe.org/links.html.
Alliance for Computers and Writing (ACW): http://english.ttu.edu/acw/.
Associated Writing Programs (AWP): www.awpwriter.org/.
Association of Departments of English: www.ade.org.
Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of Writing, University of Minnesota: http://cisw.cla.umn.edu.
College Composition and Communication: www.ncte.org/cccc/.
Computers and Composition: www.cwrl.utexas.edu/~ccjrnl/toc.html.
Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC): www.ncte.org/cccc/.
Council of Writing Program Administrators: www.wpa.org or www.english.ilstu.edu/Hesse/wpawelcome.html.
Graduate Student Caucus: www.workplace-gsc.com/~gscmla.
Minnesota Writing Project: http://mwp.cla.umn.edu.
Modern Language Association (MLA): www.mla.org.
Modern Language Association Allies, Affiliates, and Regional MLAs (Web URLs and email addresses): go to MLA Web site and click, in the lower-right corner, on "Allieds and Affiliates."
National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE): www.ncte.org.
National Writing Centers Association (NWCA): http://nwca.syr.edu.
Two-Year College English Association (TYCA) and regional affiliates: www.ncte.org/tyca/.
Writing for this Web site: Click here.
9. Readers/Readings Online
(Argumentative Essays, Literature, and Other Misc.)
(Click here.)
10. Instructors' Guides and Training
Materials, General
Aristotle's Rhetoric: http://classics.mit.edu/Aristotle/rhetoric.html
Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of Writing: Writing across the Curriculum at UMN: http://cisw.cla.umn.edu.
Diverse/Multicultural/Democratic Classrooms: http://www1.umn.edu/ohr/teachlearn/pathfinder.html
General subjects: http://writing.colostate.edu/teaching_guides.htm.
ERIC database of 950,000 articles and books on education: www.accesseric.org:81/.
Grading: a Harvard assignment for peer reviewing of papers that also works as a basic grading system: http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~wricntr/peer.html.
History (short) of the English Language: www.m-w.com/about/look.htm.
Learning disabilities, teaching students with: http://writing.colostate.edu/references/teaching/ldteach/page2.htm.
Rhetoric, online "guide to the terms of classical and renaissance rhetoric": http://humanities.byu.edu/rhetoric/silva.htm.
"Teaching with Technology": http://writing.colostate.edu/teaching_guides.htm.
"Working with Grammar and Mechanics" (University of Minnesota Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of Writing): http://cisw.cla.umn.edu/faculty/grammar/index.html.
11. Teaching Using Small Groups and Classroom Presentations
Go to the "Activities & Groups" chapter.
"Presentation Help Online!"--"a website for faculty using classroom presentation assignments"
Web Resources for Secondary
& Elementary Writing
(Unless otherwise noted, the following are from the New York Times "Circuits"
section, 14 Aug. 2003.)
Blogging: http://schoolblogs.com, www.ebn.eblogger.com, http://weblogs.hcrhs.k12.nj.us/bees, www.weblogg-ed.com
Breadnet, a network of writing teachers: www.middlebury.edu/blse/index.html
For students and teachers: http://teacher.scholastic.com/writewit
Peer review: http://cpr.molscl.ucla.edu
Bulletin boards: http://msn.groups.com
Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators: http://school.discovery.com/schrockguide
Online publication of student writing www.scholastic.com and http://teenwriting.about.com
Journalism (from www.4Kids.org): www.highschooljournalism.org
EducETH English Page: http://www.educeth.ch/english/
14. Blogs/Weblogs
Here are some leads to academic blog web sites and books from Frank L. Christ at flchris@coxnet:
Blogger at http://www.blogger.com
Radio Userland at http://www.userland.com/, http://radio.weblogs.com/0120501/
Educational Technology http://people.uis.edu/rschr1/et/blogger.html
Online Higher Education Notebook at http://www.uis.edu/~schroede/sources.htm
Online Learning Update at http://people.uis.edu/rschr1/onlinelearning/blogger.html
Bausch, P. et al (2002). We Blog: Publishing Online with Weblog. John Wiley & Sons.
Blood, R. (2002). The Weblog Handbook: Practical Advice on Creating and Maintaining Your Blog. Perseus Publishers.
Powers, S. (Editor), et al. (2002). Essential Blogging. O'Reilly & Associates.
Stauffer, T. (2002). Blog On: Building Online Communities with Web Logs. McGraw-Hill Osborne Media.
Stone, B. (2003). Blogging: Genius Strategies for Instant Web Content. New Riders Publishing.
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