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Chapter S4. Home Page for 
Instructor Theory
& Pedagogy 



Essays on Teaching in
This Web Site

Online Journals
with Full Essays


Journal Links

           Many major sections of this Web site have a "Theory and Pedagogy" page in which one or more related, introductory-level essays on writing theory and pedagogy are available, either on the page itself or in linked Web sites.  The essays vary in length.  They and other essays and similar resources are listed on this page.  




Essays in or Related to This Web Site


            There are two lists below: a subject list and a title list.  Clicking on the items in the subject list will take you further below to the titles in the title list.  Clicking on the items in the title list will take you to the articles themselves.  

            You may also access articles on theory from the sections and chapters for students.  For example, if you are in the section called "Arguing," you will find the link "Theory" in the brown bars of the home page for the section.  


A. Starting     B. Arguing     C. Responding to Readings     D. Online Help
E. Reading     F. Speaking     G. Thinking     H. Revising     I. Editing
J. Writing to Literature     K. Creating     L. Analyzing     M. Describing
N-P. Writing in Many Fields     Q. Researching     R. Basic Writing     S. Teaching



Section A. Starting


Section B. Arguing


Section C. Responding to Expository Readings


Section D. Online Help


Section E. Reading


Section F. Speaking


Section G. Thinking


Sections H. & I. Revising and Editing


Section J. Writing to Literature


Section K. Creating


Section L. Analyzing


Section M. Describing


Sections N-P. Writing in Many Fields


Section Q. Researching

Section R. Basic Writing


Section S. Teaching


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Online Journals & other Instructor Resources with Complete Online Essays--An Annotated List 

The ACE Journal was the Journal of the NCTE Assembly on Computers in English, with three issues published and available online:

American Educator is the AFT's professional magazine for secondary and elementary instructors with a regular, guest-written column on cognitive science and learning:   

The Chronicle of Higher Education at offers free general news articles about the profession of college teaching, and--for a fee--a larger database of pedagogy and news articles.   Online, it also has Chronicle Careers, a free career-advice column at, and The Adjunct Track, a free column of "career advice for part-time instructors," at   

"CompFAQS" at is a major Web site from the WPA (Writing Program Administrators) that offers a wide variety of resources for writing programs and instructors.

"CompPile" at is a major Web site from the WPA (Writing Program Administrators) that offers a large number of essays and similar readings about writing pedagogy.

Computers & Composition Online--an International Journal, it has a new set of essays twice a year on theory, pedagogy, and other aspects of writing and teaching using computer technology.  No archived essays are available, so check it twice a year to see current essays and/or download them: is a Web site with excellent academic resources that include summaries of and links to research on reading and writing.  Though the focus is K-12, some results are applicable to college composition and reading:  

Educause Quarterly (formerly Cause/Effect) is "a practitioner's journal about managing and using information resources in higher education":   

JAC is a prominent, peer-reviewed writing journal that offers theoretical articles on rhetoric, writing, and education, with free online archives:

Lore has helpful information for adjunct and graduate-student writing instructors:

The National Teaching and Learning Forum is a newsletter with short but substantive articles about teaching practice and pedagogy for both secondary and college instructors.

Syllabus is an online magazine focusing on the uses of technology in higher education:   

Tomorrow's Professor Listserv, from Stanford University, has hundreds of reprints of short essays about teaching and learning in the future.  You also can subscribe to receive articles emailed twice weekly:   

The Writing Instructor is a prominent, peer-reviewed, free online composition journal: (home), (lists of articles and authors), and (tables of contents of old issues).

Writing journals, additional: see "Lists of Other Links" below.

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Lists of Other Links to Professional Journals & Resources

The Writing Instructor's "Rhetoric and Composition Journals on the Web": (contains many links and abstracts but few or no full-page essays)  

Links to journals, listservs, organizations, et al.:

Training for Instructors: See "Instructors' Guides and Training Materials" and "Lore."

Writing professionals, additional resources: See "Online Help for Instructors."

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Most recent update: 15 Aug. 2006


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