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English 1108 (Comp I): 

1108 Web Site                     1108 BB

1108 Textbook: -

Grammar Handbook:

Bibliography Maker:        New            Regular

Writing Center       Smarthinking       Library




English 1114 (Comp II): 

1114 Web Site               

1114 Textbook: -


Grammar Handbook:

Bibliography Maker:        New            Regular

Writing Center       Smarthinking       Library





English 2235 (Mythic Stories):

2235 Web Site                2235 BB

2235 Textbook: Section J of

Study Links:                    Links to Literature

Grammar Handbook:

Bibliography Maker:         New         Regular




Hum. 1110 (Ancient-Renaiss. Cultures): 

1110 Web Site                1110 BB

1110 Textbook:      Experiencing the Humanities

Study Links:                   Links to the Humanities

Term Ppr. Help:  Library   CollegeWriting.Info

Bibliography Maker:       New         Regular





English 1140 (Intro to Literature):

1140 Web Site (inactive--last used spring 2002)

1140 Textbook: CollegeWriting.Info (Section J)

Study Links:                            Links to Literature

Grammar Handbook:

Bibliography Maker:       New         Regular





Bookmarking the Web Sites: 


            If you are on a computer of your own, you may want to bookmark the home page of the course.  To do so, simply go to the course's home page.  Then click on "Favorites" or "Bookmarks."  Then click on "Add."  If your course has bulletin-board activities, you may also want to bookmark the course's "Bulletin Board" page--the page that has a link on it to the class bulletin board.


Detailed Directions: If you are unacquainted with the "bookmarking" process, it is simply a way to place a "bookmark" on the course site so that you can go to it much more quickly and easily.  Bookmarks are not permanent--they are always removable.  You can check right now to see whether your computer has any bookmarks.  Simply click (in one of your window's top bars) "Favorites" or "Bookmarks."  A list of bookmarks should appear.  You can click on any of them to go to whatever you want on the Web.


            Bookmarks are easy to install.  Be sure that you start on the Web page that you want your bookmark to go to.  Then click on "Favorites" or "Bookmarks."  Then click on "Add" and, if necessary, "Okay."  If you are interested in placing your bookmark in a particular file of bookmarks, you can do so either at the time of adding it, or by going back into your bookmarks at any later time and organizing them. 

Return to top.   

Most recent revision: 11 Aug. 2015



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Design and contents © Richard Jewell except as otherwise noted

Picture of and link to campus: Inver Hills College