you already have signed up for the course and
don't want to read this "Syllabus," that is
fine--all of the info in this page is repeated
in more detail in the rest of this English 1140
website. Welcome to Eng 1140: Introduction to Literature! This web page is a traditional syllabus, which summarizes the course. To see more information about the author, including contact information, go to www.RichardJewell.org.
Additional Syllabus Information from the IHCC Administration ---
This online section is a web and Internet class that can be taken by anybody in the world with regular access to email and the Web. Though no one need attend anything in person at Inver Hills College for this course, there also are in-person options for some of the attendance, some of which include in-person options for any city that you may be living in. Only those experienced with using the Web should take this class. I'd like to make this course not only interesting and helpful to you, but also enjoyable. You must participate as actively in the class as possible online to do well--attendance is completed mostly in D2L discussion boards. The more you put into this class, especially in the discussion boards, the more you'll enjoy it and the more rewarding you'll find it.
is a wonderful and exciting field of study--if you read the right literature.
Literature asks--and sometimes answers--questions about what the meaning is of
culture, society, the arts, and life itself. For this reason, we will study
literature that most of you should find interesting most of the time, and as the
course moves forward, there will be increasing options for you to choose in what
you read. There will be many options, and these options come from ancient
through modern times and from not just the U.S. and Great Britain but also from
other countries and cultures. QUICK SUMMARY OF THE COURSE: (See below for more details.) Focuses of Course: In this particular section, you will:
Most of the reading assignments for the course are small paperbacks purchased at the Inver Hills Bookstore or found at other bookstores and libraries or through online purchase, new or used. And some of the course readings are free on the Web. . Homework: You'll write short rough drafts of papers each week that, over the next four months, will teach you how to analyze, critique, and interpret literature; use "close reading" to examine literature; and write creatively as in literature. I will keep you busy with plenty of reading and writing this term. However, most of the reading should be interesting, and most of the writing will just be rough-draft, quickly-written writing for which you simply receive a checkmark of credit if you do it. I ask for a lot of writing because an increasing number of research studies show that students remember more and learn better when they write a lot. In addition, the frequent writing means there are no objective tests and only one graded term paper. Attendance: You'll do most of the attendance in online D2L discussion boards. These are required. Some attendance will be "events" that can be done either online or in person, such as plays and meetings with me. Grading: Will the grading be tough? The course, since it is 4 credits (not just 3 credits) will take more time. But if you put in the time and are willing to sometimes revise papers, you should be fine. Everyone gets the same number of points for whatever work they do; if you don't do the work, you don't get the points. My assumption is that most of you will work hard and earn an average or above-average grade. For the actual grading, I have an unusual way of determining your grade. I use a point system: 90- 100 points or X's for the semester equals an A+, 80-89 X's equals a B, etc. For each online attendance you complete, and each homework assignment you do, you will get 1-2 X's. Everyone must earn their X's to get their grade. And if you do something wrong, you will get another chance to fix it and earn your X's for it. Usually 80-90% of students at the end of each of my courses say I should keep using this grading system. What am I like? My reputation generally is "tough but fair" and, sometimes, "fun." Feel free to look me up on "Rate Your Professor." I can promise most of you that if you get a "C" or higher in this course (and especially a "B" or higher), you will have learned something that you will remember all of your life--something that you consider significant and helpful. Please feel free to call me "Richard" or "Mr. Jewell"--or anything else that's nice. :-) I'm looking forward to working with you. For more details about me, go to my website and read "About Richard." There's a description of me, a picture, my resume, and a sample short story of mine. I taught undergraduate writing and literature at the University of Minnesota for five years, but in mid-2001, IHCC offered me a lifetime (tenured) position. Because of this and because I believe that two years at IHCC is as good an education as the same two years at the average private four-year college--and better than the first two years at the University of Minnesota or a state university-- I decided to come here. I'm very glad you've chosen Inver Hills as your school. It is an excellent school. Disability Services Accommodations. The IHCC Disability Services Office says, "It is the policy and practice of Inver Hills Community College to create inclusive learning environments, and provide students with disabilities reasonable accommodations so they have equal access to participate in educational programs, activities, and services. If there are aspects of the instruction or design of this course that result in barriers to your inclusion, please notify your instructor as soon as possible. For further support, and to arrange specific reasonable accommodations, students are encouraged to contact Kayla Swenson, Disability Services Coordinator/Academic Advisor, 651-450-3508, KSwenso@inverhills.mnscu.edu, Office--College Center 211." REQUIRED BOOKS (Bookstore/Library and Free Online. Note: you will only need some of these books, not all. See the website's "Textbooks" link at the top of each website page to determine which books you will need to choose.
How much work is a typical college class? 3 cr. = 9 hrs./wk.; 4 cr. = 12 hrs./wk. That includes both class and homework. I'd like to ask you for your commitment this semester to the expected amount of time for work. The Inver Hills (and national) standard is three hours of work (two of homework and one of class time) per week for every college credit, to receive an average grade. This class is a four-credit class, so please plan on spending about twelve hours per week on attendance and homework: four on attendance and eight on homework. This represents an average--some weeks may be less, some more. It also represents the work needed by the average college student to receive a "good" grade of "A" or "B." If you are bright and read quickly but don't do the work, you will get a bad grade in the class--everyone must do the work. However, if you want an "A" or "B" are willing to keep up with all the work week to week, you should be able to reach your goal. Your final grade will be determined by the number of X's or points you have earned:
100 (or more) X's/points = A+ The distribution of points or X's is as follows:
Basically, you can determine your grade by how many X's you earn. The method of doing well in this class is to earn as many X's as you can, depending on what grade you want. Attendance in is very important. Why? Much of what you learn will be developed through your interactions with others. That is what much of our online classes is about--expressing your ideas, giving feedback to others, and getting it from them. Here is a quick summary of the attendance activities:
For grading, you earn X's by completing your time and work. In attendance, an "X" is about 100 min. of work. The same is true for extra credit - about 100 min. of work per X. Make Up and Extra Credit: You may make up missed classes and assignments by doing extra credit. However, you must complete at least half of the regular attendance and homework--extra credit cannot count for more than half of your work for the semester. How many assignments are there? A lot. However, almost all of them are short and relatively easy weekly assignments. They include a number of short, rough-draft, quickly and even sloppily written papers done by email (or you can hand write them and turn them in). Most of them should simply be just clear enough, with subtitles, for me to read them, not revised, and written as quickly as you can. You'll get one or two points or "X's" for doing each one, and at the end of the semester you'll receive a grade based on how many points or X's you've received. It may help to think of these papers like lab practice in a biology course: they will show me you've done the readings and help you practice writing to literature and think about your readings more. I am doing these kinds of assignments instead of having objective tests or graded papers because I believe that in the long run, you'll learn more from writing on a weekly basis about what you've read.
All papers must be on time
(but in my online classes, I allow assignments in Wks. 1-15 to be up to one week
late without penalty). After that time, late papers will not accepted as
homework because you need to do the homework to be able to talk in online
attendance discussions with others. Homework is generally due by Thursday
midnight each week. Please remember that you you consider these as "lab" papers--written in rough-draft form--without worrying about grammatical usage, spelling, or punctuation:
How many assignments are there? There
are many. Most, however, are short
and relatively easy. Be sure to
check the "Schedule" regularly to see what is due.
If you run into a true emergency, do call me or come see me before
homework is late.
I am committed
to supporting
the learning of
all students in
my class. If you
have already
registered with
Office of
Resources and
have your Letter
please meet with
me early in the
course to
discuss, plan,
and implement
in the course.
If you have or
think you have a
chronic health,
or mental
health), please
contact the
Office of
staff to learn
more about the
services and
available for
students with
disabilities at
Inver Hills. OAR
staff can be
reached at
651-450-3884, by
visiting the
office in the
Learning Center
(L207) or by
visiting the
website at
www.inverhills.edu/LearningSupport/AccessibilityResources/ RESOURCES FOR FINANCIAL CHALLENGES
Any student who
faces financial
securing their
food or housing
and believes
this may affect
performance in
the course is
urged to contact
the counseling
department for
support. The
phone number is
651-450-3864 and
email is
please notify me
if you are
comfortable in
doing so. This
will allow me to
help connect you
personally with
the counseling
department. MOBILE PANTRY The Mobile Pantry is brought to Inver through a partnership with The Open Door Pantry. Students can select FREE food for themselves and their family members. The food includes FRESH fruit and vegetables, deli items, dairy items, meat, eggs and also some other nonperishable items. Students can also get things like DIAPERS or formula for their children or other personal hygiene items! The Mobile Pantry is on campus Wednesday afternoons 12-2:30. There are no income requirements or limitations. All students are eligible. If you have questions or would like to sign up for this resource please call our counseling appointment line at 651-450-3508 or email us at counseling@inverhills.edu and ask to make an mobile pantry intake appointment with a counselor. ---------- I hope you enjoy the class. If there's anything I can do to help you enjoy it more--alternatives, help with understanding something, etc.--come see me, email me anytime, or call me from 9 am-9 pm. My phone number, email address, and other info are at www.RichardJewell.org. |
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