"Table of Contents"


   Experiencing the Humanities


A Web Textbook

CollegeHumanities.org,  or  OnlineHumanities.org





Photo Credits for
"Table of Contents" and Top Bar

1. Left--Photo of African Potter:                   


Here is a traditional pottery maker in Tamale, Ghana,
West Africa, with her pots. Tamale is Ghana's third-largest.
city. Ghana was Africa's first nation to hold democratic elections.

"Tamale pottery" by  licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0. 15 June 2007.
www.flickr.com/photos/poudyal/1070019679. Retrieved 20 Apr. 2020.


2. Middle (in "Table of Contents")--Photo of Mayan Pyramid:                   



Egypt wasn't the only country to have pyramids. This fourteen-story, 154-foot
pyramid is Tikal Temple 1 in Guatemala in Central America, just south of Mexico. It
was built about 810 CE (AD), in a major city from 200-900 CE, of the great Mayan civilization.

"Tikal Temple" by Raymond Ostertag, licensed under Creative Commons BY-SA 2.5. 1 Aug. 2006. Cropped. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tikal#/media/File:Tikal_Temple1_2006_08_11.JPG. Retrieved 18 Apr. 2020.



3. Right Photo of Greek Statues:                   




These statues of women, ancient Greek in appearance, were built in 1889 for the Empress
of Austria as part of a building meant to resemble a palace in a mythical Greek country that
was the  last place visited by Achilles, the great hero of the Trojan War,
before returning home.
It is called the Palace of Achilles and is now a museum on the Ionian island of
Corfu in Greece.

Dietmar Rabich, "Korfu (GR), Gastouri, Achilleion--2018--1312,” Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 4.0. Cropped. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Korfu_(GR),_Gastouri,_Achilleion_--_2018_--_1312.jpg. Retrieved 20 Apr. 2020.


Most recent revision of text on this page: 25 Apr. 2020



Richard Jewell

Contact Richard.

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Text copyright: 1987-2021 by Richard Jewell. You may use this text as a free online website without first receiving permission. However, printed copies may not be sold or distributed without obtaining permission. A MERLOT and Creative Commons OER Text
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: You may use all photos and pictures here as part of this free online website as described in "Text copyright" above. Most may be reprinted for nonprofit use. However, some are copyrighted, used here by permission, and may require permission for use beyond this website: for such reuse, see the credit line for the image in question.
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