
English 1108--Comp I


Inver Hills Community College

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Eng 1108


& Extra Credit
(33% of X's)


This page discusses the general policies concerning attendance and how you build your own attendance grade.  Of greater interest to most people is the detailed description of how to make up missing work and/or receive extra credit.  Make ups and extra credit are described in detail on this page because all make up and extra credit work applies to your attendance grade. 

You can gain extra X's or points for doing extra credit, and you can make up missing work and missing attendance by doing extra credit.  All extra credit/make up work counts toward attendance.  Your total attendance X's/points may go as high as you want.  (But be careful - in many situations, it takes less time--is easier--simply to attend class and do the assignments the normal way. It likely will slow you down to miss class and assignments and then work on extra credit or make up credit later in the course.)


 What are the basics of the attendance grade?

            Attendance in this course and section is very important. Why? Much of what you learn will be developed through your interactions with others.  That is what much of this course and section is about: expressing your ideas, giving feedback to others, and getting it from them. 

           When I was in my second semester as a freshman in college, I developed a rule of thumb for my own attendance: no more than three times per course during the semester.  I developed this rule of thumb because I had a disastrous attendance record my first semester--and pretty bad grades, as a result.  (I also learned to sit up front, even though I preferred sitting in back: those who sit in front get noticed more by the teacher and are more likely to answer the teacher's questions.)  If you do miss, however, I allow for make-up work amounting to twice as much time as the time you missed.  

            Each week, we have the equivalent of four classes.  Each one is 50 min. long.  Two are on Tuesday, and two are on Thursday.  

          Attendance is worth 33 points/X's.  There are a total of 100+ points/X's possible in the course: attendance, 33 pts./X's; weekly papers, 67 pts./X's; and participation/improvement (up or down up to one letter grade).  Extra credit--mainly for attendance but also for an extra Draft 4--also is possible.  See the "Grading" page in this Web site for more details.  And for attendance extra credit, see below.

          Other notes:  

  • Lateness to/leaving early from class: If you are 10 min. late at the beginning, or you leave 10 min. or more early, then you lose half of your attendance credit for being there that day.  (And if you're frequently 5-10 min. late or early to leave, you'll lose some attendance credit, too.  See me if this is going to be a regular occurrence because of another class or work.)

  • Anyone going 2 weeks with no attendance activity will be dropped from the class.

  • Make ups: See below.


"Students are expected to attend all sessions of each class in which they are enrolled. If an illness or emergency results in an absence, students should meet with their instructors to determine if missed work can be completed. A student may receive a course grade of FN or NC after two consecutive weeks (or equivalent in accelerated courses/terms) of unexcused absence at any time during the semester. Students who receive and FN grade may request to have their grade changed to a W (withdraw) if done so by the course’s withdrawal deadline.  Class attendance is defined as being physically present in the classroom. Online attendance is defined as having submitted an assignment, taken a quiz, or posted/made a course content-related comment on the discussion/chat board for the course in which the student is registered."

"Subpart A. Last date of attendance: Instructors issue a grade of FN for students who never attend class or stop coming to class. If a student misses two weeks of class (or equivalent in accelerated courses/terms), instructors may report a last date of attendance and issue a grade of FN. The FN grade is punitive because it counts against both GPA and completion rate."

"Subpart B. Academic calendar: PSEO students and students enrolled at other colleges must follow the Inver Hills official academic calendar as it relates to their attendance and registration at Inver Hills. Term breaks, holidays, and non-class days at other institutions and vacations do not supersede the Inver Hills requirements or academic calendar."

DISABILITY SERVICES ACCOMMODATIONS: The IHCC Disability Services Office says, "It is the policy and practice of Inver Hills Community College to create inclusive learning environments, and provide students with disabilities reasonable accommodations so they have equal access to participate in educational programs, activities, and services. If there are aspects of the instruction or design of this course that result in barriers to your inclusion, please notify your instructor as soon as possible. For further support, and to arrange specific reasonable accommodations, students are encouraged to contact Disability Services. You can call 651-450-3508, you can Google "IHCC Disability Services," or you can go to  College Center 211. (If this info is outdated, ask me how to find the new information.)

            You may complete extra work for make-up/extra credit.  It counts as part of your attendance credit because you report how long you spent--how many minutes and/or hours.  It first counts towards missing attendance, and after that as extra attendance.  However, no matter how it is counted, it all goes toward the X's/point system for the course, thus raising your grade.  You may get as many extra X's/points as you want in this way.  

            Note: No make ups are allowed for missed homework writing assignments (unless you miss class, in which case you may always turn in homework the next time you come, and it will be considered as on time).  However, you can counterbalance a poor homework grade by earning extra credit for attendance, so that your attendance points/X's go to as high a number as you want.  

            The most basic way to earn attendance credit is simply to attend.  Otherwise, you may use any of the methods below for attendance make-up and/or extra credit.  Extra credit almost always is listed in attendance, but it does boost your total number of X's/points, so it doesn't matter where you get the credit: it all goes to the same total of points/X's.

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What are extra credit/make up optional papers, activities, & films? (1-17)

Counting Your Time: 

            When you do any of the make ups for attendance or extra-credit options, be sure to count your time.  You get credit for them not by the paper or its length, but rather by how many minutes/hrs. you spend doing them.  Write the amount of time in the upper-right corner of your paper, along with your name, the words "MAKE UP" or "EXTRA CREDIT," our class name and number, the date, and the class section number (or "Instructor: Richard Jewell").  (For tutoring--#1 and #2 below-- get a tutoring slip from me, have your tutor fill it in, and return it to me.)

Extra Activities and Papers: 

            Here are the activities and papers you can use for make up of attendance and extra credit.


1.      Thank-You Note to a Teacher (1 hr. of writing/revising = 2 hrs. of extra credit): Do you remember the best writing (or other) teacher you've ever had, either here or in a previous school?  Write a thank-you note to her/him.  And if you give me a second copy, neatly written, in an unsealed envelope that is stamped and addressed (to the teacher in care of her old school/department, with your return address on the envelope ), I'll mail it and give you twice the credit (twice the time it took you to write it: report the real amount of time you spent and also the doubled amount of time).  Remember to tell me the total amount of time you spent.  (This assignment encourages you to develop writing that is intellectually and emotionally positive, useful, and helpful in terms of having a positive social impact.)

1b.      Publishing an Article or Story in an Online or Print Official Website or Printed Publication (e.g., a school literary or news journal, newspaper, or magazine; 1 hr. of writing/revising = 2 hrs. of extra credit): Do you have the opportunity this semester to publish a story, article, poem, or some other piece of writing of your own on or in an official website, school newspaper or literary journal, or other source? Go for it! If you do all the writing and editing this semester, you can get double credit for the time you spend. If you already wrote it previously, then you can get double extra credit for the time you spend editing it and getting it published this semester (but not for the previous writing time). (This does not count blogs, personal websites, or personal pamphlets you might publish yourself.)



2a.    From IHCC, Tutoring Alternative: You may get credit for missed time in class by working with a tutor.  (You have to actually work with the tutor, not just sit in the tutoring center.  Online tutoring also is available.)  See https://www.inverhills.edu/StudentResources/WritingCenter/.  You should use an official IHCC tutor in the IHCC Writing Center (a large, open space in the middle of the 2nd floor of the Library building) or a parent, former teacher, friend, or classmate who can actualy offer you some real help. Be sure to have the tutor sign one of our class tutoring forms/slips, or some other paper stating how much time he or she spent working with you.   

2b.    From IHCC Library Research Tutorial: The IHCC Library says, "The Library has an online tutorial to help students understand academic research and guide them through using college library resources.   The tutorial has 6 modules, each with an explanation, exercises or games for practice, and a quiz. There are also pre- and post tests for the entire content of the tutorial.    Each module can stand on its own or you can have students do all 6. In module 5, Using the Web, [is] a box with links to identifying and fact-checking Fake News." This was added "[w]ith the permission of the Indiana University East librarians....".

3.      Looking at Movies, Surfing Web Sites, and Reading additional books on the Class Subject Matter (counts as 1 for 1: 1 hr. of this activity = 1 hr. of missed class or extra credit).  You do not need permission, first, if you use the following sources: 

A. Films: Use movies only from the approved lists in www.richard.jewell.net/1140/Books&Webs.htm#Movies. They are for a literature class, but they also have mythic themes. If you think you've found another movie not on the list that might qualify, ask me about it. Write about each film for 400+ words, analyzing it from three specific theories/sub-theories or point(s) of view, or dialoguing about it using, equally, two opposing arguments and a compromise or higher position about an issue in the film. Turn it in with the amount of time you spent watching and writing. 
        (If you wish, you may, instead, use www.WritingforCollege.org to learn about and write a "Critical Review," "Evaluation," or "Literary Review," or "Literary Analysis" about the movie. In this case, you would also count the time you spent reading how to do this new type of paper.) 

B. Web Sites: Go to  www.richard.jewell.net/1114/Textbooks&Resources.htm and click on "ADDITIONAL ONLINE SOURCES." Write about the websites you visit and what they have, state the time you spent viewing and writing, and turn it in.  

C. Books:  Use only books from the approved lists of the first and second reading books.  (You may not count the book that you are choosing as your second required reading book for the semester.) Write about what you read for 200+ words for every 30-40 pp. of reading, state your reading and writing time, and turn it in.

Whenever you visit web sites or read additional books, you will need to write about them.  Some of the ways you can write are as follows:

  1. Summarize the film (or book or web site).

  2. Write an "Analysis" of it using three theories (or three sub-parts of one theory) or three points of view.

  3. Write a "Dialogic" paper about it using three positions: two opposing ones and one compromise or higher position.

  4. Answer any or all of the following general questions:

§  What was the basic point, argument, story line, plot, or narrative line of the book or web (in a sentence or a paragraph)?

§  Who were the main people?

§  When and where did it happen?  Are the times and places significant?

§  How or why did the main event(s) happen?  What are some causes and effects?

§  What was the high point or best part of the film, book, or web site for you?  Why/how?

§  What was the low point of it for you?  Why/how?

§  Who would be the best audience for this book or web site (and/or the worst audience)?

§  What do you think is the "moral of the story"--or point to get out of it--of this book, or web site: what should people learn or take home from it?  Why?

§  How would you rate this book or web site on a scale of four stars?  Why?  Would you give a different rating if you were doing it for a wider audience?  If so, why or how?

4.      Tutoring by or of a Classmate (counts as 1 for 1: 1 hr. of this activity = 1 hr. of missed class or extra credit): You may get credit for missed time in class by working with a classmate for the same amount as the time you want to make up.  (You have to actually tutor or be tutored by the other person, not just sit with them and study or write.)  If you are being tutored by someone else, they must actually know what they are doing regarding that particular activity or assignment in the course.  And if you are the person who is doing the tutoring, you must know what you are doing regarding that particular activity or assignment in the course.  Report to me the actual amount of time you were tutored/tutoring so that I can give you the proper credit.

5.      Notes from--and Watching of--a Video about Composition from the Library. (counts as 1 for 1: 1 hr. of this activity = 1 hr. of missed class or extra credit):  There are three videos in the library that you can use.  You may use them right in the library in its "Viewing Room," where there is a video player, or take the video home.  The three are from the Standard Deviants video series: "Grammar 1," "Grammar 2," and "English Composition."  You may watch one, two, or all three.  Take at least 100+ words of notes while you watch and/or afterward, and count both your video and your note-taking time.  Turn the notes in to me with the total amount of time you spent both watching and writing (100+ w. per video).  (This assignment extends your knowledge of writing and/or grammar.)  

6.      You may also write sentences using the Merriam-Webster "Word for the Day" Web site, full value, 1 for 1: do this alternative writing assignment for an equal amount of class time.  Use each word in a sentence.  You may write up to ten different sentences using one word up to ten times (once or more per sent.), and you may write as many current or past "words for the day" as you want.  Show me what you've written with a statement of how much time you spent writing the words and their sentences.  Go to http://www.m-w.com/cgi-bin/mwwod.pl


7.      Discussion of 1 or More Textbook Chapters You Have Not Read (in WritingForCollege.org -- counts as 1 for 1: 1 hr. of this activity = 1 hr. of missed class or extra credit):  Either choose a chapter or two that will not be assigned in class (for example, from the chapters in the textbook sections called "Writing in Many Fields" or "Writing to Literature"), or choose a chapter that was assigned but that you did not read for credit. Read the chapter(s) and sample paper(s).  Then use "General Study Questions" to discuss or take notes on the chapter(s)--just as you have been assigned to do for other chapters in the textbook.  Count both the time spent reading and answering questions.  Turn in to me what you've written, along with the total amount of time you spent.  (This assignment extends your knowledge of writing by acquainting you with other types of papers.)

8.    Paper from a New Textbook Chapter (in WritingForCollege.org (counts as 1 hr. for 1 hr.): Write a paper from a chapter that you will not be using in class (e.g., from the textbook sections called "Writing in Many Fields" or "Writing to Literature").  You do not have to write notes or answer questions, unless you want to.  For your paper, you may either write about something real or make up a situation--or do some of both.  Count both the time spent reading and the time spent writing.  Turn in to me what you've written, along with the total amount of time you spent.  (This assignment encourages application of writing lessons to your own creative or practical interests or concerns.)  

9.    Combination of the previous two items, above (counts as 1 hr. for 1 hr.): Read a chapter, take notes on it, and use its directions to write a paper, as described in both "Duscussion of 1 or More Textbook Chapters" and "Paper from a New Textbook Chapter," above.  Count your time for all three of these activities, and turn in to me what you've written, along with the total amount of time you spent.  .

10.    Resume and Cover Letter (counts as 1 hr. for 1 hr.): Imagine you're applying for a job in your future profession.  Neatly type both a resume and a cover letter.  (This may be entirely real or partly made up.)  The resume can use any of several different organizational methods: e.g., the "targeted" resume, which emphasizes special experiences or training you have; the "time" resume, which shows what you've done in order of time (usually from most recent to oldest); or the most common, a "subject" resume, which shows your activities by subject (e.g., "Job Goals," "Paid Positions," "Volunteer Work," Education and Training," and "Other" or "Personal Information." 

     Most commonly, people do some combination of two or three of these types.  The cover letter should be sincere and contain a brief introductory statement of the job you are interested in (pretend if need be) and the fact that your resume is enclosed.  There should be a good paragraph or two on why you are appropriate for the job--something not in your resume.  And there should also be a paragraph describing why you picked this particular company or place--what's so good about them that attracted you to them?  There should then be a brief closing paragraph describing where and how to reach you and expressing your sincere hopes about being hired. 

     Again, type both in business style.  The resume should be typed using a 12-point basic font.  Use devices such as bold, underlined, italic, and/or larger-size type for the main header at the top and for your subheadings.  Work for clarity and ease of reading, but don't be too fancy or artsy (unless the particular workplace calls for it).  Turn in to me what you've written, along with the total amount of time you spent.  (This assignment is a practical writing assignment requiring good organization and an awareness of audience.)  

11.    Description of How to Raise Your Children to Write Well (counts as 1 hr. for 1 hr.): Imagine you are about to have children (if you already have them, then start from their present age, if possible, or imagine you're starting over again).  Write a description in steps of how you would raise your own children, should you have them, to write well, from the beginning of their babyhood to and/or through their teen years.  (You might want to include not only writing but also reading habits, as the two tend to be linked.)  Turn in to me what you've written, along with the total amount of time you spent.  (This assignment encourages critical thinking and practical thinking about writing.)  

12.    Job Application's  Personal Statement (counts as 1 hr. for 1 hr.): Some of you going into advanced training, programs, or graduate school will be required to write some kind of personal statement or a like document.  This is your chance to practice it.  Show me a copy of the application's writing "assignment" along with your paper that you have written to try to satisfy that assignment.  Turn in to me what you've written, along with the total amount of time you spent.  (This assignment is very practical and encourages several essay-writing skills.)  

13.    Description of Thinking (counts as 1 hr. for 1 hr.): Put yourself in an imaginary or real (remembered or present) situation where some careful, lengthy thinking about something is needed.  Describe one (or more) of your critical thinking processes: e.g., writing an analytical paper, examining a major life experience or turning point, debating whether to choose a person for something personally important or for a professional position; dumping or developing a friendship or romance, deciding how to change a boss' or teacher's decision, etc., etc.  You may include not only what steps of thinking you use, but also, if you wish, a discussion of what steps you'd like to learn to use in the future.  Turn in to me what you've written, along with the total amount of time you spent.  (This assignment encourages "thinking about thinking" and writing about it: a reflexive or "metacognitive" look at your intellectual processes.)

14.    Teaching Method (counts as 1 hr. for 1 hr.): Pretend that you must teach someone something intelligent, demanding, and/or professional that you know.  Describe in a series of steps how you would go about teaching something important that you know or have learned, especially something in a possible future job or profession of yours.  (If you do this type of assignment for a bulletin-board class, too, please make the two separate and different.)  Turn in to me what you've written, along with the total amount of time you spent.  (This assignment encourages clear process writing and a reflexive or  metacognitive look at what you knows and how you share it.)  

15.    Job Description (counts as 1 hr. for 1 hr.): Pretend you're on a hiring committee in a possible future workplace in your potential future profession.  Write a lengthy, well developed job description with an introduction, conclusion, and body parts (several paragraphs).  In it, sounding positive and practical but not overly cheerful, try to describe as fully as possible the job itself, the kind of person needed, the minimum requirements and preferred requirements in a candidate, the work requirements (pay, hours, benefits, etc.), and the kind of person who may be best received by the company and the hiring committee.  Turn in to me what you've written, along with the total amount of time you spent.  (This assignment encourages you to look ahead and reflectively prepare on paper for a hiring process most of us must experience.)  

16.    Case Study of Yourself as a Student (counts as 1 hr. for 1 hr.): Pretend you are an unbiased social worker, psychologist, or other counselor taking a look at your primary behavior as a college student studying in school during the past few months or, perhaps, a year or two.  Write a description of your behavior as it relates to being a student in school.  Use these categories evenly (in terms of time spent or word count): (a) general description/background of the person without reference to any problems; (b) statement and description of the biggest problem or group of related problems (related to being in a school) facing the student during this time period; and (c) solution(s) student has applied to solving the problem(s) and the results obtained.  (You may, instead, write this case study of a very close friend you know well, but please change his/her name.)   Turn in to me what you've written, along with the total amount of time you spent.  (This assignment helps you see yourself better as a student, along with what works and doesn't work for you in an academic setting.)   


17.    Other Writing--Personal, Creative, or Other--Anything Not Assigned for Another Class or at Your Job (counts for only 1/2 the time spent).   You may get credit by creating non-class writing in the current semester.  Personal or creative writing--as in letters, journals, diaries, stories, etc.--can count.  However, they must have been done in the same semester as our class. And you cannot count writing done for other classes or for a job.  You also may not count time spent in reading and/or research--just actual writing time. Simply state your writing time on the front and label the writing as "Extra Credit--Written During This Term," and turn it in. 



18.    Writing Done for Other Classes or Work During This Same Term.  You may get 1/4th credit for other writing you have done for classes and/or for your job this term.  Show me the work and put the total number of hrs. you worked on it at the top--the actual hrs. of writing (do not count researching or reading time). 

- End of Attendance Page -

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Student Success Day

What is my grade?

Make Ups/ Extra Credit


Useful Tips for
Taking This Course


1. Read this page carefully:  understanding attendance policies and minimums.  this is the most important process you can perform at the beginning of any class: figure out exactly what you need to do to get the grade you choose. In future weeks, come back to this page whenever you are interested in doing something for extra credit and/or make up.

2. Class Counts for Grade & Gives Info: Coming to class regularly is necessary for most people, especially in the first eight or nine weeks, because in class you learn the required types of papers in detail.  If you do miss class, you can make it up  in a number of ways: see below, Make Ups - Extra Credit.

3. Basics of Attendance Marks: Attendance for the on-campus, face-to-face classes is taken in class at the beginning of each class session.  If you are more than ten minutes late or leave more than 10 minutes early, you receive 1/2 credit for that hour.  Most attendance in class is worth 1 point or 1 X; however, later in the term, library trips may be worth only 1/2 X or point per class.  Attendance for any online class is taken on the web, either full credit for all work or 1/2 credit for 1/2 of the work.  This page describes attendance and make up/extra-credit policies.






Updated Aug.  2018



Contents and page design: Copyright (©) 2005-2017 by Richard Jewell

Images courtesy of IHCC, Barry's Clip Art, Clip Art Warehouse, Clip Art Universe, Clipart Collection, MS Clip Art Gallery and Design Gallery Live, School Discovery, and Web Clip Art

First date of publication: January 1, 2005.  Graphics redesigned Aug. 1, 2013
Home-page server's URL:  www.richard.jewell.net/1108/home.htm
CONTACT RICHARD: See www.Richard.Jewell.net/contact.htm.  Office: Business 136