Richard Jewell  College Teaching, Meditation, Creative Writing


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Richard Jewell


Creative Writing


Stories and Poems

Short Fiction, Nonfiction, and Poetry, 1984-1999
(PDF) An Alternative Novel of Jesus Based on Edgar Cayce et al.

Creative Writing Biography

Richard Jewell took creative writing courses at Monmouth College, Knox College, and the University of Iowa with the equivalent of a minor in creative writing for his undergraduate degree. He was accepted in 1970 into San Francisco State's M.A. in Creative Writing Program (now an M.F.A program). However, he was unable to attend after being drafted for the Vietnam War, instead going into a Master of Divinity program in nearby Berkeley, California.

After graduating with his M.Div., he became a freelance writer with about 100 publications of his articles, stories, and photos over the next dozen years. He also began teaching arts residencies for K-12 students and for their faculty, and community education courses throughout Minnesota in Creative Writing and Writing for Publication. He discovered from these that he also loves teaching. He returned to college in 1983, entering St. Cloud State's M.A. with a Creative Writing Thesis program, with part of his credits earned at the University of Minnesota's summer Split Rock Creative Writing Program. He graduated from St. Cloud State in 1985 and taught writing, the humanities, philosophy, and religion in undergraduate and graduate courses at St. Cloud State and a variety of other universities and colleges, at the University of Minnesota as a full-time Education Specialist in college writing, and as a tenured faculty member at Inver Hills College until his retirement in 2019.

He has written many fiction and nonfiction stories and poetry, a dozen or so of which have been published in magazines and literary journals. One of his most fertile writing periods was 1984-1999, while he was still an adjunct faculty member at several colleges and universities. This period of his creative writing is shown here, along with some of his poems written during another creative period that began with his half-time retirement in 2016. Other parts of Richard's writing life focused during his teaching career on textbooks and scholarly works; and after retirement, on meditation. You can see these in this website's College Teaching and Meditation.

Most recent page revision: May 2024
Top photo: Richard as a hippy in Berkeley, CA, 1973, Photo by a Friend


Home page: (also or You may find this page by Googling "richard jewell meditation" or  "richard jewell college teaching." Questions? Email richard at jewell dot net (change "at" to "@" and "dot" to a period).

Copyrights: All text and images in this website are © (copyright) by Richard Jewell except as noted. Texts and images of others in this website are copyrighted by their owners and are shown here by permission.

Permissions: You have permission to read, share, and download anything in this website for your or others' educational use if the copyright notice is shown as "© Richard Jewell" or "Copyright Richard Jewell." This includes free use of the textbooks for teaching. However, if you or someone else will make a profit, you must receive permission first.

Picture on right © 1996 by Alice Peterson