Richard Jewell  College Teaching, Meditation, Creative Writing


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Richard Jewell



Sacred Meditation in Judaism and Christianity

15 Sets of Practices for Worship, Home, and Public

from the Sacred Writings of the Jewish and Christian Scriptures


Body Meditation: Introducing Hindu Practices

A 90-page, Illustrated Handbook for Step-by-Step Focusing.


Meditationary: A Western Dictionary
Hundreds of Western Practices with Added Helpful Starting Guides


Patanjali's Yoga Sutras: The First Ancient Handbook on Meditation

This translation of the famous Hindu Yoga Sutras restores author Patanjali's practical advice, nature metaphors, and kindness. It also shows his reliance on the ancient Rig Veda and early Buddhist scriptures. The translator, editor, and commentary author has meditated using the book's practices for over fifty years and has used the most modern resources for translation, including the newest Sanskrit dictionaries, the Dictionary of Indo-European Roots, and the University of Texas-Austin's recent "Base Form Dictionary from [the] Rig Veda."


                         A New Age Novel of Jesus
Based on the Works of Edgar Cayce and Contemporary Alternative Biblical Scholarship



"Poems, Prayers, & Lenten Meditations" (Forthcoming)

A variety of New Age, Eastern, and Western Writings about Spirituality

Meditation Biography

Richard Jewell has practiced meditation since 1962 as a young teenager, driving his father's tractor up and down long fields. In those rows of corn and soybeans, he learned to hold an image in his mind and let other pictures and words come to it--a practice he later learned is a method in Hindu jnana yoga.

In his mid-teens, he began studying and practicing several Christian, New Age, and Buddhist meditation techniques. In college, after studying Hindu philosophy and religion for two terms under Dr. V. Madhusudan Reddy, a visiting professor, he began practicing the integral yoga of Sri Aurobindo Ghose, an Indian scholar, saint, and revolutionary war hero.

He has continued this practice through the present, while also researching and experimenting with a variety of other practices in Hinduism, Christianity, New Age meditation, Buddhism, and Judaism. After retirement, he began writing books about meditation. These now include an online dictionary of Western meditation,; and an introduction to Hindu practices, He continues working on several more, one of which, half completed and online, is an updated translation of Patanjali's 2000-year-old meditation handbook called Yoga Sutras, the first two chapters of which are at

Richard also finished a fictional reimagining of the life of Jesus of Nazareth, The 5th Gospel,, based on the readings of 20th century seer Edgar Cayce and on Richard's years of Biblical research. And since 2017, he has been writing a mix of Eastern- and Western-based spiritual poems; and, for the large downtown-Minneapolis Plymouth Congregational Church, one or two yearly "Lenten Meditations."

In retirement, he has increased his practice of meditation. Richard Jewell has practiced meditation since 1962 as a young teenager, driving his father's tractor up and down long fields. In those rows of corn and soybeans, he learned to hold an image in his mind and let other pictures and words come to it--a practice he later learned is a method in Hindu jnana yoga.

Most recent page revision: May 2024
Top photo: Richard with family
© 2017 by Jan Jewell


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Copyrights: All text and images in this website are © (copyright) by Richard Jewell except as noted. Texts and images of others in this website are copyrighted by their owners and are shown here by permission.

Permissions: You have permission to read, share, and download anything in this website for your or others' educational use if the copyright notice is shown as "© Richard Jewell" or "Copyright Richard Jewell." This includes free use of the textbooks for teaching. However, if you or someone else will make a profit, you must receive permission first.

Picture on right © 1996 by Alice Peterson