Richard Jewell  College Teaching, Meditation, Creative Writing


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Richard Jewell







(fully revised as of 11-05; updated 9-08, 11-11, 4-23)


Present: Retired Professor. Current General Coordinator, MnWE  (Minnesota Writing & English); meditation author and teacher


Quick Summary of Curriculum Vita (Brief Resume):


Teaching Professor, Full Time Unlimited (Equivalent of "Tenured"), Departments of English and Humanities, Inver Hills Community College, Inver Grove Heights, Minnesota, 2001-2019.  

Teaching responsibilities
: composition, literature, and humanities courses

Additional responsibilities:

Founder and Coordinator, Writing-Intensive (WI) Program--WI Transfer to UMN-TC, 2005-present
- Coordinator, College-wide Student Success Day (twice/year student conference, 20% release time), 2005-present (except sabbatical 2011-12)
- Lead Advisor, Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society (13% release time, except during sabbatical), May 2005-present
- Founder and Coordinator, Research across Disciplines (RAD) Program, a student research conference, 2011-2012


- Founder and General Coordinator, MnWE (Minnesota Writing & English): Annual Conference, MinnState English Discipline Listserv manager, annual MnWE Journal, and bimonthly MnWE News. MnWE is a professional organization that is primarily a part of MinnState with 2000+ faculty and English students from Minnesota public and private colleges and universities and from parts of surrounding states, founded in 2007. 

- Facilitator, Annual MnSCU English Discipline meeting (at annual MnSCU Realizing Student Potential Conference), 2008-2011.


- Member, Phi Theta Kappa Four State Regional Advisory Council, 2008-12. Chair 2010-11

- Lead Advisor for the Chapter designated as President of the Four-State Region of Phi Theta Kappa, 2010-12

- Chair, Writing across Curriculum Section, Midwest Modern Language Association, 2011-12


- Chair, U.S. Education Committee, OneVillage Partners ($100,000/year nonprofit service organization for three villages in Sierra Leone, West Africa), 2006-2008  and 2011-12

- Co-founder and Co-coordinator, Plymouth Film Club (monthly film series at Plymouth Church near downtown Minneapolis), 2005-present
- Member, Plymouth Spiritual Life Board, 2024-present

Education: Master's Degree in English, St. Cloud State, 1985; M.A. in Theology and Masters of Divinity, San Francisco Theological Seminary, 1972, 1973

Teaching Locations (most recent first): Inver Hills Community College, Department of English at University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, Anoka-Ramsey Community College, North Hennepin Community College, St. Cloud State University, et al.

Courses (starting with largest number of total sections): Composition I, Composition II, Introduction to Humanities, Literature, Developmental Writing, Religion in America, Philosophy of Religion, Creative Problem Solving, and Business Writing. Also, Community Education courses in Writing for Publication, Creative Writing, and Business Writing.  Courses using online, enhanced/hybrid, and in-classroom computer technology, groups, one-on-one assistance, critical thinking, and writing across the curriculum

Meditation: About 11,000 hours during sixty-plus years of meditating. Research of hundreds of books and articles. Undergraduate degree in philosophy with emphasis on metaphysics; graduate degrees in theology and ministry. Five undergraduate and graduate courses in Eastern religions.

Other Work: Started two writing centers (North Hennepin Community College and Minnesota School of Business); worked as part-time freelance magazine writer, food coop co-coordinator, social worker, assistant minister, et al.

Publications on Paper: About 10 academic, 90 professional and creative, and 20 photo credits

Publications Online

: Two textbooks ( and (, one scholarly book (Writing Consciousness: Critical Thinking in Composition), five web directories, one article, and several websites.
:, Patanjali's Yoga Sutras (trans. and comm.,, Body Meditation: An Introduction to Hindu Practices (, and Sacred Meditation in Judaism and Christianity

Academic and Professional Presentations: 24 national and regional; about two dozen state and local

Memberships (past and present): CCCC, MLA, TYCA, TYCA-M., Phi Kappa Phi, Phi Theta Kappa, et al.

Awards: About a dozen academic awards as a student and as a faculty member from students, including two teacher-of-the-year awards







M.A., English, St. Cloud State University, 1985: Emphasis in rhetoric, composition, and creative writing. Training in the teaching of freshman composition, process writing, holistic scoring, portfolio assessment, research writing, and theories of private and public discourse. Course work from St. Cloud State's Director of Freshman Composition, who was trained in the Amherst freshman writing experience (one of the first major U.S. freshman writing programs) and in the University of Iowa WAC program--one of the first major U.S. writing-across-the-curriculum programs. G.P.A.: 4.0.


M.Div., Ministry, San Francisco Theological Seminary, 1973: Emphasis in traditional ministry, social service ministry, youth ministry, group facilitation, and coffeehouse and related ministries with street youth.  Seminary part of the Graduate Theological Union, a doctorate-granting "university" of nine faith groups such as Lutheran, Episcopal, American Baptist, Franciscan, Dominican, et al.; students take courses at most of the seminaries in rotation. 


M.A. in Theology, San Francisco Theological Seminary, 1972: Emphasis in existential theology/philosophy, spiritual autobiography, Eastern religions, and writing.  See above for more detail. 


B.A., Philosophy, Monmouth College (Illinois), 1970: Minor--creative writing and composition. Editor, student literary magazine. Student government: Communications Board. G.P.A.: 3.6

Other Schools and Significant Training:


College and University Teaching


Present Position: as above


Most Recent Previous Position:


University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 1997-2001.  Assistant Education Specialist, Full Time, Department of English. Teaching responsibilities: upper- and lower-division undergraduate composition courses. Administrative duties: Webmaster, English Department Composition Web Site; Coordinator, Composition Web Committee. Minnesota, 1997-2001

Other Previous Primary Assignments:


Anoka Ramsey Community College, 1992-1996.
North Hennepin Community College, 1989-1992.
St. Cloud State University, 1985-1989 (Instructor), 1983-1995 (Teaching Assistant)

Other Teaching: Austin Community College, NEI College of Technology, College of St. Scholastica, St. Cloud Business College, College of St. Francis, University of Minn. (Ext. Program), Hamline University, Vermilion Community College, Minnesota School of Business.


English Courses Taught


900/90 Level:


Business Communications
Basic Writing ("English Essentials" and "Refresher English")

1000/100 Level:


Business Writing
College Composition I (writing based and essay based)
College Composition II (writing based and essay based)
Creative Writing
Freshman English I (literature based)
Freshman English II (      "               "     )
Honors University Writing & Critical Reading
Honors Writing Practice I
Intermediate Expository Writing
Introduction to Literature
Technical Writing
University Writing and Critical Reading
University Writing and Critical Reading

Writing for Publication
Writing Practice I
Writing Practice and Cultural Diversity I


2000/200 Level:


College Composition
Introduction to Literature
Literature of Mythology


3000/300 Level:


Advanced Expository Writing
College Composition
Fiction Writing
Selected World Literature
Technical Writing for Engineers
Writing about Science
Writing in the Health Sciences
Writing in the Social Sciences


4000/400-5000/500 Level: Magazine Writing


6000/600 Level: Writing in the Elementary Classroom

Other College Courses Taught


College Success Seminar, Comparative World Religions, Pathways to Success, Philosophy and Modern Society, Introduction to the Humanities, Humanities I--Ancient Civilizations through the Renaissance, Philosophy of Religion, Creative Problem Solving, Religion in America.


Other Special Activities


Course Development

Computer Technology

Writing Center Work

Social Work

Special Positions: See "Additional Work" under "Present Position," above.









Noncredit Teaching


Seminars for Teachers: Taught 84 seminar hours to elementary and secondary teachers on "Writing Across the Curriculum" and/or "Teaching Creative Writing" in nine seminars at seven Minnesota schools and educational cooperative service units (when living near St. Cloud State University, 1983-1989):

Little Falls Public Schools, Central Minnesota ECSU (Educational Cooperative Service Unit), North Central Minnesota ECSU, West Central Minnesota ECSU, St. Mary's School, Little Falls, Sartell Middle School, Clearbrook Public Schools, Sartell Middle School.

Seminars in Community Education Programs: Taught over six hundred hours of seminars in over two dozen communities throughout Minnesota on "Writing for Publication," "Writing for Magazines," "Creative Writing," "Writing Family History," et al.


Academic, Creative, and Professional Publications (Textbooks, Websites, Essays)


Books/Book-length Works/Websites:

Academic Articles--nine publications (oldest first): 

Online Directories and Organizational Websites (former--now defunct as most web links/websites have changed):

Literary Prose and Poetry--about eleven publications in seven literary journals, one magazine, and one public radio station production: Lake Country Journal, Loonfeather, The Northland Quarterly, Optimistic Times, Thin Coyote, Minnesota Public Radio Station KCRB, et al.


Magazine Articles--about sixty-three publications in twenty-seven magazines.


Magazine Fiction (nonliterary short stories)--about seventeen publications in twelve magazines.


Conference Presentations (in each section, oldest first)




MLA (Modern Language Association Convention--largest international conference for college English and foreign language teachers):

Other national/international:


MMLA (Midwest Modern Language Association Conventions--largest Midwest conference for college English and foreign language teachers):

MCTE (Midwest Council of Teachers of English) Conference:

TYCA-Midwest (Two-Year College Association-Midwest) English Conference:

The Collaboration for the Advancement of College Teaching & Learning Conference:

Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society Minn-Wi-Kota (four-state) Convention:




MCTE (Minnesota Council of Teachers of English) Conferences:

MnSCU (Minnesota State Colleges and Universities) and MCCS (Minnesota Community College System)--Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) Conferences, et al.:

Other State Conferences:


Memberships and Awards


Memberships and Miscellaneous, Present and Past:

Academic Awards as a College Student:

State and Regional Awards for Creative Writing:

Academic Awards as a Teacher--from Students:

Most recent page revision: May 2024
Top photo: Richard at MnWE,
© Gordon Pueschner


Home page: (also or You may find this page by Googling "richard jewell meditation" or  "richard jewell college teaching." Questions? Email richard at jewell dot net (change "at" to "@" and "dot" to a period).

Copyrights: All text and images in this website are © (copyright) by Richard Jewell except as noted. Texts and images of others in this website are copyrighted by their owners and are shown here by permission.

Permissions: You have permission to read, share, and download anything in this website for your or others' educational use if the copyright notice is shown as "© Richard Jewell" or "Copyright Richard Jewell." This includes free use of the textbooks for teaching. However, if you or someone else will make a profit, you must receive permission first.

Picture on right © 1996 by Alice Peterson